100% Microsoft free
"Perhaps those who flame LT are a bit like those Windows users who flame Linux without any experience in Linux"
Perhaps. Flaming may be a silly thing to do, but being biased against one platform or vendor over another is fair game.
I don't have to be unbiased when I choose products. I can choose products for whatever reason I like or for no reason at all. I might flip a coin to choose, or I might choose one over the other simply because I didn't trust the other company.
In fact for businesses, trust is far more important than apparent quality of the product and cost of ownership. If you don't trust another company, then you don't do business with them, as simple as that. The company I work for has a strict No-Microsoft-products policy, simply because we as a business do not trust Microsoft as a business. We don't care whether Microsoft products are good or bad, whether they are good value for money or not. We don't trust Microsoft and therefore we won't buy nor use any of their products, period.
Yes, this makes us biased, and yes, we don't know Microsoft products that well since we don't use them, but we have the right to be biased and ignorant, it is not anyone else's business, it's our business. We decide, not anyone else. We don't even have to explain our choices to anybody (except our shareholders).
We like it this way and we are doing well. Even if we didn't do well, it still wouldn't be anybody else's business (except for our shareholders).
All those Joe Publics out there think that the world owes them justification for how it conducts business, but they are delusional. Joe Publics don't matter and to be biased is perfectly legitimate. Get over it already.