Last Of The Dinosaurs
Once again, the dinosaurs have failed to get their act together and recognise the obvious, which has been happening all around them for many years. Cablevision will now make more money by providing a service that people want.
"..The plaintiffs also argued that when shows are replayed, the Cablevision is "engaging in unauthorized public performances" of their copyrighted works..."
Actually no, the plaintiffs did not argue this, it was the plaintiffs' lawyers who threw this one up. The dinosaurs are not capable of summoning up any kind of argument because they cannot even think, so they pay other people to do it for them. As for the lawyers, they can think and the longer they manage to stay in court then the more they get paid so they'll say anything.
The dinosaurs are sitting on a massive collection of films, tv series and tv programmes but they are incapable of selling them to me or to many other people who are not willing to pay £15 for a DVD and are not impressed by DVD rental choice. The torrents provide low quality copies of things people really do want to watch at a very low price so they'll keep going there in their thousands. For people who are less computer/internet capable, Cablevision and their like will provide a service that people want and are willing to pay for.