@Who will ever know for sure?
I'm guessing this is unravelling, we'll find out soon. I don't think this guy is the guilty one, no Israel connection (Anthrax letters mentioned 'death to Israel', only pro and anti Israel people are so obsessed with Israel), lots of things not quite right. Was he due to be indicted? Do they warn people when they're being indicted now???? I thought they just go arrest them.
Other stuff too, he was seeing a therapist and had suicidal thoughts, and was barred therefore from the lab..... since when would therapists reveal suicidal thoughts to his employers?
The women at the house wouldn't comment, they don't know her name, yet they know private discussions with the therapist? What?
The 2002 desk cleaning incident looks like a smear to paint him as a long time rogue. A bit of nudge nudge wink wink. Apparently this incident wasn't considered serious at the time when ANTHRAX ATTACKS WERE KNOWN TO HAVE COME FROM THAT LAB? WTF!?
He had a prescription for codein???? Killing yourself with paracetamol is now painful? Do they let suicidal people get codein prescriptions?
The timeline is all wrong, I thought they settled with the other guy to save face. I reckon settling would take time, so I'd expect any new information to be investigate before or during the settlement discussion...
All very, well, I'm just an armchair pundit, so what do I know. But no, I'm guessing this is unravelling. I can't swallow this story.