So why is outlook unchanged?
... because it is such completely crap software that the software engineers haven't got a clue where to start trying to fix it.
The world’s economy may be going down the pan, but PC sales are holding up pretty well. In Q2, demand from BRIC – Brazil, Russia, India and China - held firm, while fire sales in the US fuelled big shipments. Everywhere, people want laptops. Especially Small Cheap Computers. How long can this last? The big Taiwanese laptop …
I don't see downturn either, for reasons like:
1) Demand for better replacement products still exists - today's laptop is better than a PC of 4 years ago
2) Service economies (e.g. UK) are spent out more than other parts of Europe (DE, PL)
3) There are signs of memory prices dropping, but demand for whole systems drops later than memory
Its a lot more difficult to find drivers for XP on laptops than desktops. Which is why Im no longer buying new laptops, as I dont want to get stuck with a $2000 laptop that wont run XP properly. People who do these statistics really should not be coming up with there own conclusions.
Or as always service and equipment purchase cycles usually lag by somewhere in between six to twelve months because they were in the previous years expense budget allocation of capital expense funds prior to the crap hitting the fan , and since they are replacing older junk mostly well past it's use by date who is going to say no ?
Alas all economies have a lag cycle as it travels slowly from the top down anyway and when it finally hits the street level where the ordinary man lives , it comes in with a big bang thus !