back to article Aussie school goes high-tech

Kids restocking their pencil cases with new pens at the beginning of a school term could soon be a dying sight. At least in one school Down Under, where voice recognition technology is now on the curriculum. According to a report by the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH), the privately funded Queenwood School for Girls, Sydney is …


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  1. Chad H.

    I'm sorry

    I cannot let you make that joke, dave.

  2. Anonymous Coward

    Assie Accents

    How will they get over the fact that every sentance an Aussie says sounds like a question?

  3. Lukin Brewer
    Gates Horns

    Does their technology work nicely?

    When I looked at voice recognition tech a few years back, it was neither accurate nor robust. It worked out as quick and more accurate to use the keyboard.

    Also, in the book "Nineteen Eighty-Four" the voicewriter was shaping up to be a major plank of the Party's control of its people, as nobody used handwriting any more, and when the current generation died, no one would know how. Thus, the ability to create texts would be limited to those authorised, and this authorisation could be micromanaged.

    ^ Yes, this was probably one of BillG's many pipe dreams.

  4. Anonymous Coward

    "The aim is to let teachers provide pupils with word-for-word class notes"

    Now class, be quiet, settle down, today's lesson is going to be on the subject of DON'T DO THAT FELICITY GO AND STAND IN THE CORNER Australian marsupials. NO JANE, COWS ARE NOT MARSUPIALS etc ad infinitum.

    /The scientist because the sound of a test tube bubbling could be interesting in its voice recognised form

  5. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

    Silence! Exam in progress

    Voice recognition: who is speaking

    Speech recognition: what are they saying

    One day fingerprint scanners might be good enough to require a severed finger to work, so I have far more confidence in voice recognition.

    Who is going to record the teacher's pet's homework and play it back to their own computer?

    Who will be the first to shout "format C colon" or "arr em space minus arr eff space tilde"?

    What is 248 + 418?

    "I was doing my homework, not chatting to the girl in the other class with VoIP"

    Imagine a room full of children doing their homework.

    Despite that, I still like the idea. I hope they make it work.

  6. Peyton
    Thumb Down

    Am I the only one?

    Going through the process of writing down things that are said helps me in retention tremendously. I had a few profs in college (lousy ones) pass out their printed notes at the beginning of class, and I always had a much harder time learning the material...

  7. steogede
    Thumb Down

    RE: Am I the only one?

    >> Going through the process of writing down things that are said helps

    >> me in retention tremendously. I had a few profs in college (lousy ones)

    >> pass out their printed notes at the beginning of class, and I always

    >> had a much harder time learning the material...

    Perhaps. I learn by concentrating on what the person is saying and comprehending it. For me, the act of taking notes detracts from learning - save for occasionally annotating the printed notes. Then again perhaps I am the only one.

  8. Josh

    "although he kept mum...", & Re: "Assie" Accents

    "although he kept mum about exactly which technologies pupils might use"

    The power of IM clients in tests.

    And in regard to Stu, you're thinking of Canadians. ;)

    Skull and cross bones because I'm feeling pirate-y.

  9. Andreas
    Paris Hilton


    I went through university barely taking any notes, and, whenever I did, I never referred to them.

    And yes, I did end up with a degree at the end of the course.

    Paris Hilton - you decide why.

  10. Billy
    Thumb Up

    Awsome idea

    Then the kids, like, will, like, realise how, like, much they, like, say "like".

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