OK, so back in the old days we ran Java
And now, in the new days, we run PHP which runs great on Ubuntu as is. so we need this, WHY? Do people still run Java? Slow on the client, dog-like on the server, a great idea for 1998. If you have PHP, MySql and Apache, I think you are pretty well there. Oh I know "mission critical". Hmm. I once ran Sun 4500's, Oracle, Veritas Cluster, Web logic app server AND Java In CHINESE and yes, it ran very well, for the $1.7M we paid for it. It still crashed because of some issue with the quad-connected fibre controller to the A3000. In real life, PHP is smoother, more fun, free and painless with virtually no issues requiring all the fat surrounding Java. Beats C++ I agree, unless you are a "real man" and need to prove things. But in the 21st century, Just write it in PHP and relaxxxxxx. Mission critical simply means it has to work.
Penguin because I seem to be advocating for some reason.