@AC (pointless)
what? buy a ps3, what for? so I can hog the TV my wife wants to watch the soaps on?
are you mad?
I would like to keep my vital organs where they are thankyou very much.
I have a notebook with decent graphics, and a nice keyboard and mouse for FPS games (yeah go on try the keyboard on the ps3 I dare ya, they might have one but it sucks).
I tried UT3 on a friends ps3, I nearly threw the controller out the window!
PC's will always be great for gaming, and whats up with how windows xp or even vista looks?
they might not be the "best" os's on the planet, but they certainly aint the worst.
plus you cant get STEAM on a ps3....nuff said
and back on topic of the graphics cards.
Having being burned by ATI at least twice, (more times if you count my pc build friends) do the darn drivers work properly?
ATI Xpert@play was perfect until ATI put OPENGL on their drivers
Rage Pro/Fury etc etc (well they were well suited to windows ME!) so drivers still garbage.
Radeons. hmmm lots of praise but I was busy with Nvidia after a nice spell with voodoo by then.
Got a notebook 2 years ago with an x1400 in it, because the Geforce 7600 was delayed and i was impaitient! :)
the drivers from Acer were garbage, used 3rd party omega drivers just to get half decent performance out of it, had to switch between drivers to get various games to work.
Nvidia still wins on the fact that everything works, never mind about the speed, (which is fine on my 8800m Gtx :)