"Remote Controls" = "Birth Controls"
I just looked at the article, and thought "you can blink to stop getting pregnant?
I'll get my coat.
A Japanese researcher is planning to revolutionise the humble remote control in the blink of an eye, literally. Kome Kami Switch All this to skip tracks on your iPod Image courtesy AFP Kazuhiro Taniguchi, a researcher at the Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering Science, has invented a blink-operated switch …
interestingly, i remember hearing of artificial limbs in existence, which are controlled by the brain - why go back?
its an interesting concept, but in 10-20 years, we wont need computers, dvds, phones, blink operated controllers, all we will need is our brains.
can you imagine if we had perfectly clear and crisp holographic images in our eyes that could be controlled by our brains? we could surf the web "which by then should be Gb strength lines worldwide" by thinking.
we could talk by thinking
we could take pictures by thinking, and send it to someone by thinking
it will be like being john malkovich, by permission only of course!
this is what we originally had, but we didn't need technology, just an understanding of energy.
its like we have to go forwards to go backwards
interesting nonetheless.
There you are sitting watching "The News". Suddenly that kid who's been whinging all afternoon that they want to watch something else makes a dive for your neck and rips your head off. OK, that makes watching TV more difficult - being headless 'n' all, but it seems a little extreme, just for the sake of a programme.
Though on the plus side I suppose that, given the size of this thing, there's no chance it could slip down a crack in the sofa.
They should remake this, only with Keith Chegwin instead. The bit where he goes inside his own head would be priceless:
'Chegwin Chegwin Chegwin'
'Chegwin Chegwin'
Mines the original 'Cheggers Plays Pops' cagoul.
"Taniguchi told French news agency AFP that his switch can differentiate between deliberate and autonomic blinks."
If your thinknig about blinking you will blink intentionally by accident if that makes sense, aka a thought about not blinking causing you to blink will be slower than a regular autonomous blink thus the machine will skip track. It's like a 3 1/2min staring contest to hear your favorite song!
Paris - cos we all love to stare at her ;)
Does the auther not know the difference between blinking and winking?
'...then blinks their right eye to move forwards by one track. Blinking their left eye...'
You cant blink with one eye!
Therefore that should read:
'...then wlinks their right eye to move forwards by one track. Wlinking their left eye...'.
A loud clatter of gunk music flooded through the Heart of Gold cabin as Zaphod searched the sub-etha radio wavebands for news of himself. The machine was rather difficult to operate. For years radios had beenoperated by means of pressing buttons and turning dials; then as the technology became more sophisticated the controls were made touch-sensitive - you merely had to brush the panels with your fingers; now all you had to do was wave your hand in the general direction of the components and hope. It saved a lot of muscular expenditure of course, but meant that you had to sit infuriatingly still if you wanted to keep listening to the same programme.
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Who needs a remote for an ipod they are holding?
I suspect its a proof of concept for those people who, perhaps don't have fingers they can use and who might use a remote for other things too. Maybe a tv remote or a phone pickup system for paraplegics.
Paris, she has something in her eye and the blinking is wreaking havoc...
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Scenario 1:
You're walking down the street listening to your iPod. Just as a stranger walks by, you change tracks. Stranger is offended by your winking and slaps you across the face. Your involuntary flinch during the slap is misinterpreted by the controller to mean "Play 'Girl U Know It's True' by Milli Vanilli at full volume."
Scenario 2:
You're walking down the street with your significant other... You decide you want to skip forward to the next track on your iPod just as a stranger walks by. Said stranger sees you winking at him/her, and winks back. Significant other sees this exchange and slaps you across the back of your head. Your involuntary flinch during the slap is misinterpreted by the controller to mean "Play 'Girlfriend' by Avril Lavigne at full volume."
Because I saw a similar thing demonstrated on Tomorrow's World! It was a product for disabled people to use instead of a computer mouse and worked on following the direction of gaze to point, and wink to click. They had someone demonstrating it by playing solitaire. It must have been ages ago as they were using windows 3.11.