back to article Climate protestor claims glued self to UK Prime Minister

Downing Street today denied claims that UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown is currently super-glued to a climate action campaigner. Dan Glass, says the anti Heathrow expansion group Plane Stupid, infiltrated the State Dining Room of 10 Downing Street on Tuesday evening, then under cover of haranguing him about the third runway at …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Water, not if you want to get it off.

    This from

    "Not to worry, for even though Super Glue is incredibly strong, it has one weakness: acetone."

    That is fingernail polish remover (it has to have acetone). Attempts to remove Super Glue with soap and water will fail.

    Paris H would use soap and water to remove Super Glue and still be stuck to Gordon Browns ugly suit.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Stupid alright.

    Because the report says he touched Brown's suit. Not his skin, or shirt, or anything, but his suit.

    So all Brown had to do is shrug off the suit and let the police haul Glass away for some, er, "interrogation".

    And even if they'd made skin contact they'd have the tools nearby (don't tell me you don't believe Downing St has a full medical staff on standby) ready to separate them - which is much easier to do while the glue's still fresh.

    Plane stupid? They certainly are.

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Never fear

    Sweat normally loosens the bond with skin after a short while. So a trip to the sauna with Gordon is in order, maybe?

    Lucky guy! (?)

  4. Adam Williamson
    Thumb Up

    Ten points

    Forget the practicality of the stunt - ten points to Plane Stupid for finessing the Prime Minister's PR team into the magnificently bird-brained statement that there was "no stickiness of any significance". That's quality, that is.

  5. Charles Manning

    Water does not work

    When I was at university I used to use super glue to fix my diving gear - particularly rips in the rubber on my fins. It would not last forever, but would manage a few months of intensive usage (playing underwater hockey twice a week and scuba diving three times a week) and would then need to be redone.

  6. Geoff Mackenzie

    I prefer to think ...

    ... that "no stickiness of any significance" was deliberately humorous. Maybe I'm just an optimist though.

  7. TeeCee Gold badge

    Silly buggers.

    Let's see, we build more airports and fly more planes. The effect is that more people will glue themselves to Gordon Brown. If we build enough airports and fly enough planes, pretty soon we won't be able to see him at all.

    Roll on the eighth runway at Heathrow!

  8. Bruce Sinton
    Paris Hilton

    Super Glue

    Or Contact Adhesive- always keep your bottle of Acetone in your workshop ready for it and Apoxy Resin.

    Works like Snibo the wonder product ( For the more mature /old folks out there)

    Should one get stuck on or in Paris?

  9. Anonymous Coward

    Ten points?

    @Adam: If you read the "no stickiness of any significance" comment with your Irony specs on, you'd notice that is quite a funny "and the loser couldnt even do it properly" statement.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Of all the people in the world to get stuck too

    I bet he was begging to be released after a few hours of monotone drivel about neo-classical endogenous growth theorem and puritanical Calvinist ranting.

  11. Steve

    @ Stupid alright

    "Because the report says he touched Brown's suit. Not his skin, or shirt, or anything, but his suit.

    So all Brown had to do is shrug off the suit... "

    Way to miss the point, dumbass.

    Touching Brown's skin would easily have ended up with him getting done for assault and all the reports being about how dangerous it was. By attaching to the suit, he get's to have his photo splashed all over the media and his statement reprinted.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Should be locked up, who voted for them?

    Bloody menace, we can't have people jsut randomly attacking politicians because they don't agree with them.

  13. Steen Hive
    Thumb Up

    Progress at least.

    If one shook hands with Teflon Tony the glue would have just slid off the slimeball.

  14. Scott

    Won't work

    Superglue (crazy glue to our american friends) doesn't work on oily, slippery down right dirty objects.

  15. Christian Cook

    Have no idea which side was the more stupid here.

    Next week I shall be going to 10 Downing Street to receive an award for punching Gordon Brown right in his stupid face.

    Expect Gordon to be quoted as saying, "I now present you with an award for... hey! wait a minute, you haven't actually ever... ouch!"

  16. Alastair Smith


    > Paris H would use soap and water to remove Super Glue and still be stuck to Gordon Browns ugly suit.

    Is that like a birthday suit?

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Best opening line of an article ever

    Full stop.

  18. Mick Sheppard
    Dead Vulture

    Right name

    Plane Stupid ... its a pretty poor protest group when your clever name can be used to label what people think of you. I bet they were feeling smug when they thought of that play on words.

    To all enviro-fascists out there. When you get elected you can have my support. Until then keep out of my face.

  19. Anonymous Coward

    @JonB - How else to protest?

    JonB - writing to your MP doesn't seem to do much, afterall how much fuss has the IT profession kicked up about ID cards and achieved nothing?

    Another article today regarding the SF network admin who locked the city out of the IT equipment is a good way to demonstrate a point. I wonder how long it will be before the IT 'profession' realises that it is the most powerful department in any organisation and, if it wants to, can hold the organisation to ransom to prove a point.

  20. Jonathan Richards
    Thumb Up

    Not soapy water...

    To separate nutcase from politico you need a number two scalpel, junior hacksaw, and a tourniquet (optional).

    That should reduce the number of copycat instances. Sortid.

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Sounds painful

    From the BBC report

    "When he left the building he tried to glue himself to the gates of Downing Street but had his hand detached by a police officer."

    What will the police do next?

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @AC @JonB

    "I wonder how long it will be before the IT 'profession' realises that it is the most powerful department in any organisation and, if it wants to, can hold the organisation to ransom to prove a point."

    Why do you think there isn't an IT workers union? They could hold the whole country to ransom!

  23. The Boffin

    IT Workers Union

    "Why do you think there isn't an IT workers union? They could hold the whole country to ransom!"

    Because a union requires organization and most of my fellow IT workers (an oxymoron if ever there was one) couldn't organize an orgy in a brothel. They could probably organize a cock-up in one though.

    Begun the flame-wars have.

  24. Andrew Moore


    >"Let's see, we build more airports and fly more planes. The effect is that more people will glue themselves to Gordon Brown. If we build enough airports and fly enough planes, pretty soon we won't be able to see him at all."

    I have this vision of Gordon being rolled around, Katamari Damashi style.

  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Re: IT Workers Union

    "Because a union requires organization and most of my fellow IT workers (an oxymoron if ever there was one) couldn't organize an orgy in a brothel. They could probably organize a cock-up in one though."

    A point with which I can't really argue.

    However, the competent ones could form the union and then trick the rest into joining it with the promise of free football tickets (being obsessed with a bunch of over paid posers kicking a leather ball around seems to be about the level of intellectual sophistication required to make it in this profession these days).

    Once we've got them on board, it shouldn't be so hard to get them to agree to a strike!

  26. steogede

    Re: IT Workers Union

    >> an IT workers union? They could hold the whole country to ransom!

    Surely by that measure, <insert any large out-sourcing firm working for the public sector here> would be an IT workers union.

  27. Glenn Charles

    superglue fixes

    I read somewhere that they tried super-gluing a brain to a politician, once. He couldn't get it to work, though.


  28. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Next time ...

    use a Hilti nail gun as a backup

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