I want one...
...just to piss of self appointed "representatives" of society. I'll put it next to my Gengis Khan and Sadam cuddly toys....
Paris, because it is the best lifesize doll on the market....
There's no easy way to lead into this so we'll just come right out with it - according to The Sun one can now obtain knitting patterns to create one's very own cuddly Hitler. Everyone's favourite inflammatory informo-rag has a lovely picture of the "grotesque" yarn-based Fuhrer, who looks snug and stylish in his army-green …
>A spokesman for the Jewish Network is quoted in The Sun
Did The Sun get a comment from a spokesperson for the Roma population? Lest we forget, and there are those that would want you to, proportionately the Gypsies suffered far worse than any other people under the hands of Hitler. It makes sense that if anybody should have been asked an opinion it should have been a Gypsy.
Squint a bit and it looks a little like Mocks Moseley.... wonder how hard it is to clean?
(Oh, and @"Is it just me" AC - you're in need of a (brown) SHIRT icon. The BrownCOATS were the losing side in the war between the Independants and the Central Alliance in Joss Whedon's "Firefly", methinks...)
HMG start a nice long holiday just as the country hits the worst economic mishap since the last time, and this is the best the Stun can do?
Nice to see our national media is doing its very best to keep the country well-informed of the [i]really[/i] important things in life...
I believe there's a couple of characters missing from the front of the icon I feel gives a good idea of the importance of such "issues" in the great scheme of things ... no wait, there they are....
You could start up a sock puppet show featuring everyone's favourite despots - with Hiiiilarious (and of course educational) consequences! Something like that is just the wake up call blighty needs to clear her good old streets of all these scrounging imiggint polish workshy hippie dope fiend rapist bagel-loving grannie-stabbing skinhead squatter gangs. I remember when this was all fields why oh why won't somebody please think of the children.
If you're going to use that logic, why didn't they get a spokesperson from SCOPE or any disabled organisation, cos I think you'll find Hitler practiced his techniques on the mentally and physically disabled first.
Perhaps you'd like to join the MCB in boycotting Holocaust Memorial Day, in case it's not sufficiently inclusive!
From what I have read, Jenghiz Khan was relatively normal for his time and place in history. Hitler was way over the line in his butchery of multiple peoples in multiple countries and in no way compares. Saddam was only interested in suppressing the relgious and ethnic in Iraq..never mind his foray into Kuwait; he never had the means to do what Hitler did.
>If you're going to use that logic, why didn't they get a spokesperson from SCOPE.
Because using that logic Gypsies still come out as the most persecuted group whether you like it or not. I don't see what boycotting anything has to do with this historical fact unless you are one of the revisionists who want to rewrite history.
The shop is round the corner from my house. It's near a Buddhist temple & a (very nice) organic, vegetarian female run cafe. I wonder if they've had a spat and decided to annoy the neighbours.
Alternatively there are some groups around Bethnal Green that would be quite happy with something like this.
that sounds like a crude activity, made worse that the tonked party is a young fictional girl.
Irrespective of any clothing that she might have worn, I doubt that a judge will allow you to use that in mitigation and suspect that you will be handed a long and deserved sentence.
This could be time to claim criminal insanity or raid the Monopoly (TM) box for a "get out of jail free" card.