If you dont like it, dont read it!
Opinions are like ar$eholes...everyone has one, and since we have heard your $hit, here's mine...
I believe that you believe in a being that has no real proof of ever existing, and that the whole system of religion was created to control and extort money from the susceptible masses.
Is your life so void of meaning and purpose that you resort to some preposterous ideology that once you have shuffled off this mortal coil your soul will be welcomed into heaven, and all us heathens will burn in hell?
It is your belief system that invented hell, not mine. If I believe in a flying spaghetti monster would you fear its wrath?
If you are happy to justify to yourself that religion is a worthwhile pursuit, even when looking at the number of deaths that it has caused throughout history, then thats up to you, just dont go expecting the rest of us to follow suit like good little sheeple.
If I want to make light of what is actually a funny article then that's up to me now isn't it.
You say I'll burn in hell, I'll call it a Jesus phone. Deal with it.
Praise Jeebus....and the flying spaghetti monster!