Point of FACT - Dinos were ALREADY dying off 69 - 66 MYA, but I digress ...
A point of fact (do some reading of REAL research) is that Dinosauria and other specialized life forms of the Cretaceous were well into the extinction process (not "extension" - Andy Barber) 2 to 10 MY BEFORE the K-T "boundary" with fewer than a half dozen "Dinos" amin distinct species left of the 25 to 40 that existed during the Cretaceous period. There is ALSO fossilized evidence that a few small (pigeon sized) Dinos lived PAST the so called Iridium line.
The BIG issue that the K-T Asteroid nuts can NEVER explain, and always hide from, is WHY far more delicate species as tree and pond frogs, birds (really dinos) turtles; all Croc and Alligator species (even though the oceans with supposedly devastated), a few thousand insect species that don't burrow, all the Shark species - especially the ones that inhabit the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, et al DIDN'T BECOME EXTINCT!! The "asteroid extinction" is pure bullshit with little hard evidence and only conjecture.
The Iridium line at the K-T boundary as proof is nothing. The constant quote as seen in the media or Discovery programs is that "Iridium only comes from outer space in asteroids and is not present on Earth" - BS! What the hell do you think the Earth is made up of? The same solar system creating rubble that IS ASTEROIDS! Iridium, a radioactive mineral, i plentiful in the core and mantle of Earth and EVERY deep magma volcanic activity spews Iridium in an Eruption! In a world-wide Volcanic cataclysm such as at the end of the Permian, the Triassic and the Cretaceous Periods (the Deccan Traps and Siberia flows are proof) would have spread Iridium world-wide enough to account for the "Iridium line" at the K-T boundary.
There are more paleontologists with biology backgrounds that don't except the asteroid theory, than there are geologists and the "sky is falling" astronomers with NO biological training, that do. The skeptics just don't get any press because the media loves cataclysms and mass murders from outer space.
While impacts may have been a contributing factor in localized extinctions - that's the only evidence there is, it's mother Earth that is always the killer. The big question is, when will YOU be next ... you Global Warming criminals.
And yes, my degree is in Vertebrate Paleontology ... I only bash Apple as a hobby.