It's a flipping build system!
This story reads as a piece of crud. Maven's a build system (on steroids)!
Eclipse works with all the other popular build systems, so, wow, it's going to get better Maven support. About time, because the current level of integration is crap.
From the unscientific sample of the open source frameworks I use, they're almost 100% maven-based.
It's interesting that M2Eclipse is going to be included with Eclipse 3.5 because the Google-backed q4e was recently chosen as the official Maven plugin for Eclipse! Maybe they are merging?
I do plugin development, so I wouldn't mind seeing some better build tools for PDE (Eclipse's plugin bit). Anyone who's needed to automate a build of Eclipse plugins knows what I'm talking about. It's painful.
@CTG: why would better integration between Maven and Eclipse bother users of IntelliJ or Netbeans? Currently IntelliJ has better support for Groovy (a Java-based scripting language), but I don't go in the huff and avoid Groovy use in Eclipse.
The previous report on Eclipse and Maven was also a pile of rubbish:
Eclipse and Maven striving for the power of Visual Studio! Don't make me laugh. Visual Studio has long been surpassed as the best example of a developer's IDE.