More like 60 million!
> ...a person engages in regulated activity if they have the opportunity "in consequence
> of anything [they are] permitted or required to do in connection with the activity, to
> have contact with children".
> regulated activity only occurs if someone does it intensively or "at any time on more
> than two days in any period of 30 days".
and also:
> Another large tranche of individuals likely to be drawn into registration is anyone
> who might be viewed as being in a position of authority.
So, lets examine the list of occupations used by for car insurance quotes (which handily breaks them down into categories:
* Accounting / Finance - pretty much all of these are going to be covered by CRB checks because you could be an embezzler
* Administrative / Customer Support (which includes: Accommodation Officer, Aircraft Cabin Crew, Bank Clerk, Booking Office Clerk, Cafe Worker, Leisure Centre Attendant, Librarian...) you can argue that most if not all of these will come into contact with the public as part of their job and that sometimes includes children - so check
* Business / Strategic management (which includes: Bank Manager, Chartered Accountant, Company Chairman, Editorial Consultant, Finance Director, Hospital Manager, Project Leader, Public Relations Officer...) these all seem to be figures of authority of some kind - so check
* Construction / Engineering (which includes: Aircraft Designer, Building Engineer, Clerk Of Works, Door Fitter, Fireplace Fitter, Landscape Architect, Radio Engineer...) this is a bit of a rag-bag that includes some people that are figures of authority and some that come into contact with the public regularly and a few more difficult cases - lets be on the safe side and check them all
* Creative Design / Writing (which includes: Art Dealer, Beautician, Circus Worker, Dancer, Fashion Photographer...) all seem to be likely to come into contact with the general public, of all ages - so check
* Food and Beverage - again lots of contact with the public so check
* Installation / Maintenance / Repair - oh, public again, check
* IT / Software Development - already covered in the article, if web designers need to be checked then surely so do all IT workers that may have access to any private or personal data - check
* Legal - check
* Logistics / Transportation - mentioned briefly in the article. Drivers come into contact with the public - check
* Marketing / Product (which includes: Conference Organiser, Fashion Designer, Marketing Director, Market Researcher, Photographer...) some are not exactly clear cut, but they all seem to either involve the public or could be classed as figures of authority - so check
Need I go on?
What on Earth is there that doesn't fall into either "definitely check" or "bit of a grey area - best to be safe and check"?