so far, so good
Just ordered the 16GB, received txt msg confirmation for delivery to my local store tomorrow - here's hoping
Carphone Warehouse has begun taking orders from the genral public for the 8GB and 16GB 3G iPhone, a day ahead of the second-generation Apple handset's formal release. CW's website today began taking orders for both models - albeit only black ones, not white - on O2's £30, £35, £45 and £75 per month airtime packages. Contracts …
just got back from my local carphone warehouse where the guy behind the counter said that if i wanted an iphone it would be best to order online as they had been allocated 10 iphones for leicestershire all of them stored at the shop as foss park....
6x 8gb and 4x 16gb
make of that what you will
Carphone Warehouse has been selling iPhone 3G's on their website since Monday. Whilst everyone else was having fun with O2's website, I slided over to CPW and ordered a 16GB iPhone 3G for delivery on Friday with no problems.
Received an email yesterday to say they had received my phone into stock and it will be despatched today for delivery tomorrow.
I didn't think I'd got through on Monday on O2's site since kept failing part way through and the first non-error message I got was in the afternoon which was just that they'd take a look and didn't give me an order number.
But today I have a despatch email and a tracking code...
For those that are complaining about upgraders on O2 site... I upgraded from my xda II account yesterday and never got a sausage of an e-mail to verify (it did go as far as saying they would check my bank details) and then by chance I was browsing my orders in 'myo2' and found this... which has as of today changed from pending to complete....
soooo it was quite early when I ordered mine but but it certainly looks like O2 had some available ... bastards could have sent me an e-mail though!
Order status: Complete
Order date: 9th July 2008
Apple iPhone 16GB Black Postpay SKU,Q108 GBP45 18M
Next Day Delivery
Consignment number: JJD00XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Courier name: DHL View order tracking
Dispatch date: 10th July 2008
A poster from a forum i frequent had the following to say
Just a heads up, currently on the phone to CarphoneWarehouse customer services. There is an issue with all web orders and I have been told there will almost be no chance of my iphone being delivered tomorrow.
I have been advised all I can do is to order again tomorrow with the direct sales team for delivery on Monday Not happy and currently on hold trying to get more information and sort something out.
So if you've placed an order with CPW I'd imagine it might be worthwhile ringing up to confirm.
It did seem strange that they sold out and then stuck more handsets online when O2 didn't have any left...
This post has been deleted by its author
Likewise, iPhone all ordered at 2pm today, then all of a sudden at 9pm tonight I receive texts and emails stating:
"Your order has been cancelled ... We have now processed it through our secure systems, but are unable to despatch the item to you for security reasons. This order has now been cancelled."
Sounds to me more like someone sold more stock than they really had available today, or is their store I was having it dispatched to really that unsecure!!
i ordered at 10.30am, got a confirmation but the order was still waiting to process. As I had my order on monday randomly cancelled after 8hrs I decided to be proactive and call them at 2pm... After being sent from web orders - to misc dept - back to web orders and being able to boil an egg on my left ear, I was told that my order hadn't come in yet (they must have a 56k modem connecting their web orders to HQ), it wasn't in their system and I should call back later. Called again at 5pm, no luck, then again at 7.30pm. Finally someone could actually confirm I had made a real tangible order. Thing is, the order was just sitting there doing bugger all until I called. Once I called they charged my card and booked it for delivery on 11th July.
Call them asap!
Right, well after being stitched up with my online order (see earlier comment), I found a little CPW away from the main shops with only 10 people queueing. I was 6th in line and got my order through 1st! Sadly, can't pick it up until Monday.
I did find joy walking past 4 other O2 and CPW shops near Liverpool Street, to get to the Farringdon CPW, with about 200odd people waiting, all added up. It took 5 minutes to sort things out, after waiting about 20 minutes. Nothing wrong with a bit of Schadenfreude!!!
Didn't need me coat in the end, putting it away.
So, I just thought, what hell, n boarded the CPW numpty bus @ 3:30pm, much later than others, but I was in town.. in CPW asking about iPhone stock!?
My order went though without an issue... something must be wrong!
Email confirmation of my order...hmm.. seems to be working..
Text.. confirming order and collection from local CPW... ok.. happy smiles and nod of approval from work colleagues.
Friday 11th July 2008, 7am, off to local CPW, arrive to find small que of three others.. this could work!
8:03am doors open and I'm sat with CPW staffer... looks like I'm sorted!
Present paperwork showing order confirmation... this was a BAD MOVE!
Confusion abounds, delivery not in.. mine's on the delivery.. no problem I say I'll just take one from stock now... CPW staffer goes off to get it..
Sat with new 16GB iPhone 3G in front of me.. this could work!
But.. I can't take that one.. no no.. its not mine..
Cancel my web order...
If I cancel the web order then you have to wait 30 days before you can order ( I think that is probably A LIE!)
So, I have one in front of me, but I'm not allowed it.. most annoyed..
As is the guy next to me, trying to get his iPhone 1.0 upgraded..
computer says no!
Told to come back when the delivery arrives.. mine will be on the pre 9 delivery...
One vente caramel macchiato and two silk cut graphite later I back in O2 and breathing down their necks! But the coffee & ciggerette breath does nothing..
They stand their ground..
My phone is NOT on the pre 9 delivery.. but it WILL be couriered to the store between 12-2:30...
Thank CPW staff for their help, after all they are just pawns in a rather bad game of MouseTrap...
2:30 pm.. call and speak to nice girl from CPW...
We have no record of you order what so ever.. well I have one email saying you ordered it, but nothing else...
She took my details and promised a call back as / if / when it arrived...
Some time later that day.. I received an email.. from CPW...
"Thank you for ordering the iPhone 3G!
You'll be pleased to know that you'll soon be on your way to becoming the owner of this revolutionary mobile phone.
We're currently experiencing high demand for this product, so there maybe a small delay with the delivery of your new iPhone 3G. But don't worry this will be sent to you on Saturday 12th July."
Cool (other than I'm now about 100 miles from the CPW store, its a work thing!)
Monday.. Monday is fine.. I can do Monday.. it is after all only a phone...
then I get...
"unfortunately, the item you ordered is temporarily out of stock. We do make every effort to ensure that only items that are in stock appear on the website, and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause."
O..K... its arriving TOMORROW, but its out of stock!?
The road to iPhone 3G continues... I await more contradicting emails...
But.. I'm sure it will all be ok...
And I may even get some free airtime?