Re: False +ve not the only problem.
Whilst we're "thinking of the children", what scares me the most is not the pretty tiny possibility that my (or anyone else's) child might be abused. It's horrific, but not actually very likely. What's almost certain, and I'd argue deeply damaging to all children, is that my child, and everyone else's, is going to miss out on the innocent, caring affection that many adults will now withhold because they're scared of the paedo label. Seriously, it scares me, and there's nothing I can do to protect my child.
Of course we need to nurture and protect our children (and each other, for that matter), but we run the risk in giving a tiny amount of extra protection, taking away an enormous quantity of nurturing, and impoverishing all of our children as a result. We need to give up on this childish dream of making everything bad go away forever. Cos we're making the good things go away, and the bad shit? Still here. EPIC FAIL
Practically, in this instance, false negatives are inevitable. Bad, but true. False positives should be dealt with by a fast and fair appeals process, combined with the CRB result being available to the employer only after the appointment is decided. So where the false +ve is clearly an error of fact, sort it quick, no harm done. Where it's less clear cut, there'll still be a few unlucky ones who just luck out.
That's rotten, but it's just how it is.
@michael - there's a line, I don't know where from. "I was sweating like a nigger at a white woman's funeral". And a racist would take it to mean blacks are probably killers and rapists, and anyone else would guess the black man's scared because he just knows he'll get the blame, whatever happened. But either way, it fits, historically at least. And perhaps in some god-forsaken places even now. Turn it around "I was sweating like a honky at a black woman's funeral". It loses any connection with reality. THAT'S why there's an NAACP. To bring about the Advancement of Colored People towards equality. And if you check income, health or imprisonment statistics, I think you'll be bound to agree they've not succeeded yet.
Domestic violence, is mostly carried out by us men. We're socialised to consider violence a potentially successful strategy, and we're built for it. On average. They think it's a guy 'cos it probably is.
The term you're looking for is 'exploitation'. That's when people get shafted. When one group of people get shafted more than another, that's discrimination.
@AC Of course it's my name. You think I'd make that up? Losery was, I think, the most amusing variation. The mind boggles as to why Mr and Mrs Coward named thier little boy 'Anonymous' though.