Complete nonsense!
Exchange is not, has not been for years, the sole preserve of business users. Just do a google search for "Free Exchange Mail Activesync" - there are plenty of them.
Personally, I pay $10/month for a 200MB mailbox with postini email filtering. I then set up my home PC and my Windows Mobile phone to use this email account and viola! Over-The-Air synched emails, contacts, appointments - the lot.
I don't even need to "set it up" on my mobile - just configure outlook to use it (I got free outlook 2007 with the exchange acct) then plug the phone into the PC and it *automatically* configures the phone.
And before you go saying "But they provide 20GB" - haha yeah, fat lot of use that will be. You ever tried synching 20GB over even a 3G connection?? Use "the cloud" to host the data (Contacts, mail etc) and USB or WiFi to put the videos and music and such on your phone when at home.
Jeez, talk about reinventing the wheel.