Macs are JUST LIKE Segways .......
1) Segways are cute but a novelty item that will NEVER be a market segment (motorized vehicle) contender or in much demand. Same for Mac
2) Segways were the darling of the Lefty Media, just like Apple and their junky products; yet the Media Whores couldn't make Segway a real success .... just like Apple junk.
3) Segways are horribly over-priced .... need I say more (iPuds, Macs, iPhony, etc)
4) Segways are known for throwing their riders unexpectedly and Segways has been sued numerous times ...... hmmmm, flawed iBooks, PowerBook, iMacs, iPuds, MacBooks, MacBook Pros, etc etc .... class action lawsuits galore!! DING!
5) Dean Kamen is a kook and an arrogant asshole. Stevie? DITTO.
6) The only difference between Segway and Apple is that Segway has always made their own product; Apple on the other hand HASN'T MADE ANYTHING of their own since the Apple ][e, which itself was outsourced later to Canada, then Taiwan. Apple junk is Chinese Sweatshop garbage.