How to hit MS where it hurts.
Everyone create a fake account with a name that makes it absolutely clear that it IS a fake account.
Empli Gratia: "Fake-MarketingShill" or "Fake-ForYetAnotherMSScam", et cetera.
Have that account connect via standard MS IM.
Create another account, also with an obviously fake name, and then connect it through a 3rd party IMC (say Pidgin, or Trillian).
Have one fake account "talk" to the other fake account, just as fast as the automated scripts can send messages back & forth to each other.
How well do you think MS' shampaign will work if all those disgusted with MS do this & rack up a couple TRILLION fake messages?
Go ahead MS, donate to those charities based on the number of accounts/messages sent.
All of them just as real as your shampaign, all of them JUST as useful, all of them just as warped, brain-dead, & ignorant of the real world.
MS, your services at Hotmail are abysmal & are synonymous with spammers World-wide.
Your IMC is filled with spammers who masquerade as friends, flooding our IM in-box with garbage.
There's a REASON Google is kicking your pathetic butt, and that's because THEY actually CARE how their image in the World reflects upon them as a Corporation.
Take your shampaign & cram it RIGHT back up the hole where you pulled it from in the first place.