more FACTS about ADSL, BE, etc....
well actually, VM is now the NO 2 provider, behind SKY!! (only about 600,000 behind..)
- and if you have a better PUBLIC source, please do give the URL....
Martin Nicholls: thanks for some PROPER info... :)
- it seems people are just NOT doing the research here, just guessing!!!
yes, the old analogue telephone only uses two wires! the third you may see is for the ringer, usually disconnected...
and er, ADSL is about the 'signal' not the wire used - you cannot 'switch to something else'..
ollyc: please clarify... do you mean the AOL that is managed by carphonewharehouse (CPW), or the previous 'owner' ???
- either way, CPW uses BT lines, whether you pay your line rental to them or BT...
VM CABLE does not use BT lines in any shape or form - unless you are talking about the old NON-CABLE service, that uses the old BT ADSL wires, and will have ALL the same problems as all those that use it!
Kieron McCann: 128K?? that is a load of rot! Unless you are talking 'average bandwidth per customer' ?? - this mean divide the normal useage (say 4pm to 4am?? - 12 hours) by 24hours = half the normal rate, then take a rough figure of 60% that have it installed, already the rate is only 30% of normal!!
When I was on tiscali until nov. 2007, I was regularly getting, and downloading at 8Mb/s with no problems d/l-ing albums vids, etc... then they must have made a **really bad** decision (bad, cheap DSLAM, argument with BT, etc???) - It goes to show, DO NOT cut corners, customers disappear...
I looked at the market, and saw how hopeless it was... it was always BT getting in the way, digruntled BT workers having to work on lines that were actually used for, or being changed to, CPW or other non-BT services... I heard even of one that just 'went for parts' and never returned....
That is why I went for VM CABLE - no 'middleman' problems, and good support (My area is old telewest) - I do realise that NTL areas are still working through stuff, due to their bad equipment!!
Also can people say what area and TYPE of service they are using? ANY service that still uses a BT LINE of course will get all the same problems!!
This of course INCLUDES BEthere... look at this review..
- they were 800m point to point from the exchange, so only got 6Mbits/sec service.
The main reason I did not do Bethere, is the info on the website is virtually non-existant!!! - Unless you have a member login? a bit pointless, you need the info BEFORE!
By contrast, all the info is there on most other ISPs... good reviews from ZDNET, etc, but they are not in my area....