back to article Google free to offload '$1bn' AOL stake

Today is the first day that Google can sell its stake in AOL, picked up in exchange for $1bn as part of a wider video and advertising partnership between the two signed in 2005. The deal either gives Google five per cent of AOL should there be an initial public offering or gives Time Warner first refusal on the stake. A …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What does $1bn get you these days?

    Half a tank of petrol with change left for a loaf of bread?

  2. David Perry


    Gets you a new data center after you've bullied intel enough (just)?

    Blue science cos some serious engineering at play in them datacenters

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    Whatever AOL is actually worth on paper...

    is still too damn much. What ever they estimate, it's probably closer to 30% of that figure. But hey, I never had any faith in AOL, Time Warner or the satanic union of the two. And now that TW has used & abused AOL for all it was worth, what's left is nothing to write home about...

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