Move on - nothing to see.
Apple's new iPhone 3G will be shipped on July 11 in a potato starch paper tray. Apple placed an order with Dutch company PaperFoam, which also makes packages for Motorola. The company confirmed this today to Dutch blog Bright. According to CEO Hans Arentsen, Apple ordered "millions of paperfoam packages" for its new 3G iPhone …
I used to bulk order Blank CDs in the nineties (when they used to cost over a quid each!). They arrived in boxes filled with expanded starch "wotsits". These were not only biodegradable, but also quite edible.
Not as cheesy as their prepackaged cousins, and maybe not recommended, but i did chobble my way through a fair few.
Why dont apple make their packaging out ...... dried apples?
Come on El Reg, what has happened to you recently...
Why on EARTH would I care what box the iPhone is going be be shipped in? Should I expect similar reports for Ericsson and Nokia's? No? Oh! Because It's an iPhone I'm expected to give a shit? Here, watch me caring...
Seriously, its just a fucking phone, nothing more. End of fucking story. Move on. I'm sick and fucking tired of hearing about it. It's not even that good a phone. Even if it was, even if it was the BEST fucking phone EVER made, had a GUI controlled by thought alone, ran on fucking cold fusion technology, got you higher than crack and made you irresistible to the opposite sex, even then, I'd be bored of fucking hearing about it by now.
Remeber when Paris Hilton was the ONLY thing you reported on for about two months? This is MUCH MUCH worse. Please for the love of GOD just shut the fuck up about the iPhone, let Apple do their own promotion for the first time in 10 years.
Am I the only one who feels this way? Either way, rant over. I'm fed up with El Reg and I'm off to Slashdot for a few months.
Cue the fucking HILARIOUS coat/hilton references. Really, go on. No, honest! They're still funny! PLEASE make sure you explain your icon. I'm serious, don't forget. I'm writing them all down and if just one of you doesn't let me know, it'll fuck up my dataset FOREVER and I shall just cry and cry and cry.
Tim, why don't you try popcorn as its much tastier unless you were that poor that they were all you had to eat, I'd have stopped buying the blank CDs in that case, boom boom
Benedict, yep gotta agree he's a weirdo unless he was that poor.
dervheid, do they still sell deep fried Mars bars up your way? sound bloody disgusting, give me cod and chips or battered sausage any day.
Edward, Looks like there's at least one iphone article over at slashdot and of course the many articles about OS X which it runs on so THERE IS NO ESCAPE!!!
Evil Jobs because he is hell bent on world domination
@ all who think i was weird for eating the wotsits my CDs came packaged in.... I was in work and they didnt have a popcorn machine or nothin! I ate them cos they were there.
If they would have packed the cds in popcorn i would have eaten that!
for the record, everyone else in work thought it was polystyrene and that i was weird. I wasnt poor.....not with how much money they through into software development back then!
Now back to the real debate, would i eat the Iphone packaging? Nah, needs salt!
No, you're not the only one. Some of the authors like Apple and will apparently post anything and everything about them, and some hate Apple and like to point out their inconsistencies, hypocrisy, etc. Personally, I think both sides could tone it down a bit.
More on-topic, I see no purpose for this article other than to advertise for the Dutch company. At least I hope that's it. Please tell me this article wasn't written to stroke Apple's ego about using a recyclable insert instead of plastic. It's not like they're pioneers in that regard. Other manufacturers have been doing it for over 15 years (motherboards, CD/DVD drives, video/audio cards, processors, etc). But then some people think everything Apple does is new and "innovative".
I'm waiting patiently for the "Where's the iPhone angle?" icon. Any day now...
You say that "its just a fcuking phone, nothing more." But you're so wrong. As St Steve says:
It's a Widescreen iPod with touch controls - it's a revolutionary mobile phone - it's a breakthrough internet communication device.
So that's an iPod...a phone....an internet communicator...an iPod...a phone...are you getting it?
Woohoo! Yay!
Steve Jobs flatulence is now methane free with 50% less calories, too. We can all stop losing sleep over the wonder that is Apple and its Jesus Phone.
My coat's the one that has "I really don't give a crap about about the iPhone or being "Green", anymore!"