Re: Before Privatisation costs absorbed
Errrr... what Labour Government? They promised to continue with Tory policies for a couple of years and then suddenly 1997 became 2008 - or as the Thatcher said when asked what was her best legacy to the UK she replied "Tony Blair."
We have endured 28 years of Conservative policy but fortunately the world economy took off fuelled by the Fed's Alan Greenspan bubble that has just imploded.
UK ltd hopped on for the ride refusing to invest in manufacturing 'yuck... making things gosh not printing money?' The antics of 'City Boy' in his recent novel following on from his column in the Evening Standard say it all.
British Government has become essentially sidelined and struggles to catch up with economic and financial reality. An abrogation of responsibility summed up by 'more CCTV vicar?'
WE could have had 10 years of every new building with solar panels on the roof by Govt edict. We could have had installations of Wind Farms by compulsory order in the national interest. We could have had huge gas storage tanks built like the French and/or other euro-nations, giving a couple of months gas supply backup not three days odd.
Oh yes, forgot, we privatised the gas boards too! Storage Tanks or dividends and huge pay rises for the management... you choose? Er no you don't! Its now a privatised utility company. Chickens come home to roost. As always. Those who made these decisions being long gone from the scene. Noting also so too it is with 'NIMBY' Tory lobbyists and wind farms.
We could have these sensible investments, but we went to a shambles in the Middle East with Dubbya - the ill planned occupation of Iraq. An action - viz. the so called enemy army - all knew would be over in a couple of weeks.
But all could see the lack of planning regarding for what then? The devil was again in the detail. £1 billion set aside by UK plc to pay for it and 5 years later 7 billion down and more set to load the pot. Where is the 'river,' show us the turn!
So it is with catering for our future power needs.
Nuclear subs or clean power stations. A large layout for renewable energy for a future poss. return financially (actually guaranteed that definitely less costs payable than that to be incurred in managing power and food supply under the worsening climate conditions) or stumble until the North Pole melts?
The Germans can do it! Lets pull our fingers out of our collective rears and set aside politics and go for the construction of all clean projects and actually se reductions happen in CO2 levels now not in 5 years and 10 years not while I can make another buck now mentality... anyone?
Makes you sad and ought to be a non political all for one as this ball we reside on is all we got and all bounty made through industry will count for nought if we're dead! Look at Mars for a lesson people and think no price too high for life to continue.
Now that's a rant possibly :)