Whomever embeds audio/video in documents (pdf, doc, whatever) deserves the death penalty (summary judgment, too).
Now, $699 for a bunch of bits and bytes? Crazy MFs... All my PDF needs are taken care of for $0, and in a much better way, apparently (LaTeX or OpenOffice). The only decent and fast PDF creator (from Word docs) here in the lab is my OpenOffice install. Other people people here have Acrobat 8 installed, but it always takes ages to create the PDF (when it doesn't just crash, which is common), and the final look sometimes is not exactly the same as in the doc. So such documents get sent to me for the final conversion (but then I have to check if OOo didn't screw up anything from Word, oh well...). For some reason, the "Export as PDF" from OOo just does it in under a second, no matter the document, and it always looks identical to the original. Why is that, I don't have a clue...