Alas... We all live in fear of our Police and what the could do to us.
... most people are too afraid of the Government/Police-state to do anything beyond the UK national pastime of moaning.
(Sometimes I wish were a bit more French)
People are afraid of being labelled a Terrist, or Pedophile etc, or being carted off for 42-days without charge while the Police work at their leisure to find some scraps of criminal behaviour to support their accusations.
We are guilty until proven innocent - irrespective of how unsubstantiated the accusations may be.
We are being systematically robbed of our rights.
We are being monitored and tracked wherever we go.
We are being monitored and tracked on all of our communications.
We are being encouraged to report "suspicious" behaviour of anyone and everyone.
We are being monitored with ID-Cards.
We are loosing the right to freedom to travel without ID.
We are being told to live in fear of all manner of imaginary bogey men.
We are being told to TRUST our loving, caring government with all our data.
We are told to ignore the government's incompetant track record with our data.
And for some reason we people think that this is a land of Freedom, Liberty and Democracy.
The Scum in (and colluding Media outlets) need to stop preaching to China, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi, Cuba, Pakistan, Burma etc, and start practicing their preachiness on themselves.