back to article Bogus Beijing earthquake reports used to spread malware

Supected botnet operators are using false reports that a fictitious earthquake near Beijing could disrupt the Olympic games to spread malware. Samples of the bogus alert doing the rounds, featuring subject lines such as "Million dead in Chinese quake", link to a website on a .cn domain. This site claims a quake measured in at …


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  1. John F***ing Stepp

    Dinn'a this happen last week?

    This just never gets old, does it?

  2. chuck helms

    Does China still use...

    ...the death penalty in cases like this?

  3. Steven Raith

    What about London?

    I got this today:

    Subject: London rocked by gas attack, army on high alert

    Body:Bad press surrounds US Army as renegade soldiers open fire on civilians


    full URL removed to prevent anyone from trying to C+P by accident.

    S'funny, I was in london today and the only gas attack was after last nights curry - I don't recall the army being notified.

    Also, what are the US army doing opening fire on civilians in London? I mean, I know people who just drop freesheet papers on the street are scum, but that's a bit harsh surely?

    I love crap spam.

    Steven R

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