Urban Leg-end
Is this an example of an urban leg-end?
The British Columbia stray foot tally yesterday reached a round half dozen with the discovery of a size 10 right foot wearing a black Adidias trainer which turned up on a beach in Vancouver Island. According to CTV, the foot was found by a woman collecting rocks who quickly ran for help and encountered one Sandra Malone, who …
...that given that all but one of the feet was a right foot, the left foot wasn't actually a left at all. It's much more likely that the 'left' foot actually belonged to some guy who couldn't dance....
On the other hand, there is potentially some black market trade going on where someone with two left feet can order a new right foot on t'interweb. Obviously, the vessel carrying all the orders was involved in some sort of mishap - if it hadn't happened, we could potentially have been investigating a spate of left feet washing up off the coast of Devon, unwanted after the 'dancing op'...
So, the feet weren't cut off, they were ripped off.
I don't know of many sharks with opposable thumbs, so who's doing the ripping? Unless someone can come up with another explanation as to why only feet are turning up (and mostly right ones at that)? <perhaps the right shoes are inedible>
This is proof that big foot exists. He is grabbing stray hikers, holding them by the feet as he eats them, then throws away the foot he was holding. The left foot is proof that he is ambidextrous.
Alternatively it could be a big squid (kraken) that is taking sailors and eating some but throwing away the foot which he/she holds with a tentacle.
I read an article on this topic a few months ago which said that as part of the decomposition process, limbs, feet etc often fall off. It seems that these feet are just naturally detaching from their owners bodies as they decompose. It's surprising there hasn't been any other limbs though.
For pathology disarticulation means just coming off. They suspect that the feet may belong to people who were in a small plane that crashed into the water last year and disappeared. Now the skin is decomposing and the feet are floating to the top because they are still inside shoes - feets are one of the first things to fall off you know.
It doesn't explain why there is only left foot. But hey. My explanation is better than a Canadian serial killer.
Feet wash up because when a body decomposes, the ankle joints come apart. Then the buoyant footware causes the feet to float and end up on a beach somewhere. So they need to be looking for some gangsters who didn't bother with the concrete overshoes, or indeed the sensible option of wrapping the victims in chicken wire so tell-tale bits don't go floating away.
Or so sayeth the woman who found it:
"You could see the two bones sticking right above the ankle part of the shoe and it was straight. It didn't look jagged. It looked like it had been cut."
@Andy Gibson:
With a name like Sandra Mallone, I think a character from Grease is right on the mark...
It's electrifying!
Someone wrote, "My explanation is better than a Canadian serial killer."
Well, I mean it's not like the Pacific Northwest area has a shortage of serial killers or anything... lessee here, a little to the south in Washington state there was Ted Bundy, Gary Ridgway, and in B.C. (Canada) there was that pig-farmer guy who killed a bunch of people... am I forgetting anyone? (and those were just the ones that got caught!) nah, couldn't be serial killers... just because that area (B.C. and WA, especially WA) seems to produce more serial killers than anyplace else in the world, we wouldn't want to be thinking stereotypically or anything now... ;)
...since four casualties don't normally have five right feet.
You'd think they could tell *something* from the trainers. Were they sport trainers or fashion ones, genuine branded or fake, same month's style or all different ages, what secret compartments for samples of dodgy white powders, kinda thing.
Looks like a conspiracy to me.
All right, I guess that explains our dreadul participation in the Euro. We might have noticed that half the team was lacking in right feet, though.
No need to send those back right away, we don't need them anymore. Perhaps in 2010, but then again I'm not holding my breath.
Disguted Frenchman
"Remains found in a shoe near Campbell River, B.C., Wednesday are not human, the B.C. Coroners Service said Thursday.
"The BCCS, along with a forensic pathologist and an anthropologist, examined the remains and determined that an animal-paw skeleton had been inserted into the shoe with a sock and packed with dried seaweed, according to a press release."
Cut off?
She was grossed out, yet she inspected it closely enough to know that it was cut off vs rotted off? She's a trained pathologist that can tell the difference?
Eye witness soundbites are mostly bullshit: people saying stuff that they don't know anything about. "It sounded like a bomb going off!"- how many people have really heard bombs going off?