I've heard of a pooper scooper. But scooping up the pooper before he has a chance to do a poop, that seems a bit unreasonable.
Was it a pre-emptive tyke?
New York dog owner Robert Machin has described himself as "devastated" after a street cleaning truck made short work of one of his two Boston terriers, sucking the unfortunate mutt into its rotating brush mechanism, the New York Daily News reports. Machin had been walking Buster and Ginger on Thursday when tragedy struck. He'd …
Poor bugger, I can't imagine how upset he must be. Horrible way for a dog to go.
Anyway, back to joking around, has the Lizard Army given up attacking humans and started going after our best friends instead? If so this is truly a frightening development: their understanding of human psychology has grown. They have graduated from simple toilet-based humiliation (portaloo lock-ins) to wounding us using a cruel understanding of the emotional bond we share with our pets.
We can take comfort that the Lizard Army haven't yet learned that humans do best with their backs against the wall. The worse you treat us, the harder we will fight!
(Obligatory PH-related footer: Paris, because she's obviously looking for her dog.)
Why no RotM heading for this? If anything deserves a RotM heading, it's a Ginger-gobbling rover-ravenous pup-plucking mutt-munching canine-chomping terrier-tasting pooch-partaking dog-devouring hound-hungry truck.
(PS. I would have carried on, but I ran out of words for "dog". Did I miss any?)
Ahhh, yet another American, so stricken with grief that he's only just able to recall, off the top of his head, the number of his lawyer. Presumably the money het gets (this is the US, so no question he might lose) will go towars a memorial for ginger and a generous donation to a nearby pet hospital.....<cough>
But, what a great invention! A Dog-sucking-machine. Could we get one of those over here in London and maybe pimp it up a bit? In that way it would suck in all those fighting dogs including their hoody/chavy owners.
Vulture, because there is neither a dead dog nor a dead chav icon.
Wow. I followed the link to the original article and I have to say, the comments on the NY Daily News site make El Reg's comments pages look like a haven of peace and harmony.
They may even surpass the now-legendary BBC "Have Your Say" for small-minded vitriol. Perhaps NY has its own Twat-O-Tron.
I know in the UK it's illegal to hit and run on a dog as well as on a human, pity the same courtesy isn't extended to cats:(
I'd say it was the street cleaners responsibility to look where the hell (s)he is going. If it had been a child I doubt there would be any "sorry you should be careful with your children" quotes.
STOP, do not pass go, do not collect £200
I love the way the Dept of Sanitation offer the advice ""It is important for all New Yorkers to remember to maintain the safety of their animals while walking city streets." Why not just come out with "Sucks to be you" and flip the poor bastard off.
I hope they get pwned in court (it's NY, so why wouldn't they?). How does someone not notice a whole live dog going through the gubbins of their street sweeper? I can imagine it would make a fair old racket.
"I know in the UK it's illegal to hit and run on a dog as well as on a human, pity the same courtesy isn't extended to cats"
I thought it was illegal to hit & run on a licensed animal, e.g. sheep, cattle, etc. Cats were never licensed so were never covered by the law. Now that the dog license has been abolished, they might not be covered either. And every chav can have their own friendly little pit-bull called "Biter" to play with the kids.
Don't know if you've noticed, but in the UK (London, at least) the street-sweeping trucks are left-hand-drive so the operator can align to the pavement (and, hopefully, dogs) better. Maybe that was why the NY driver didn't see the pooch - was he in a left-hand-drive truck, on the other side to the mutt?
But it made me giggle. I will say though that the street sweepers in NYC must be damn good at the job since there was no mention of a red smear left for 2.5 blocks.
Your driver today is Larry. Hes hooked on crack and has a 40 in his pocket.
Yep NYC gotta love it
/flames for ovbious reason
I'm pretty sure we can get some serious wear and tear on a few of those machines at Trafalgar square :-)
Standard sales tactics: drop a load of stuff on the ground (seeds, in this case) and then offer to hoover them up again. Including pigeons.. Just keep the kids out of the way, mainly because they could clog up the machine :-).
Why bother to clean NYC, if you clean up all the dirt and scum there won't be much left holding the place together!
If they can run over a dog, they can run over a person - especially a child. The driver clearly wasn't paying adequate attention - or purposely ran the dog down. Also the machine clearly had it's brushes down so was cleaning at the time, so wouldn't have been moving fast. So why didn't the driver stop???
What I cannot work out is i'd expect a dog to hear and see it coming and get out the way. Going to cost the NY DoS serious cash, i'd guess. And one hell of a lot of goodwill.
You got it wrong. Completely wrong! Dog poo is left in parks for kids to play with - kind of getting in touch with nature for all those [insert your favourite game console]-degenerated kids.
Don't complain, it's a cruel world and it suits me well.
Ballmer, because there is no dog poo icon.
Woof! Woof!
Was this one of those midget-sized dogs? If so, I wouldn't be surprised if the driver didn't notice the mutt. Anyway, who in their right mind would take their dog near an operating street-cleaner? I would wait until the thing passed on to prevent exactly these situations. Dogs have a habit on pulling *away* from their master, so they could easily get in range of a dog-sucking sweeper ... or a speeding car. This is exactly the reason my cousin lost his dog; the mutt thought it was wise to stand on the street to "wait" for traffic... and got hit on the head by incoming 60 km/h traffic.
The dead vulture icon, 'coz that's how it would look like after trying to cross 60 km/h traffic.
The only way that I can picture this occuring is that the brushes must have grabbed some slack in the leash that was near or on the curb. No dog is stupid enough to go near a streetcleaner. Most dogs are freaked out by a vacuum cleaner.
Or the street sweeper was a decepticon.
Street cleaning in NYC is a crazy thing.
It doesn't matter if the machines are left-hand drive (which I think they are), because most of the streets in NYC are one-way. 50% of the time they're sweeping what they can't see.
NYC has "Alternate Side Parking Rules". A typical rule would be "No Parking Mon & Thu 7:00A-7:30A" on one side, "No Parking Tue & Fri 7:00A-7:30A" on the other. These rules go on for a dozen blocks, and then the dozen blocks would be no parking 7:30 to 8:00 and so on. The sweepers don't dally, they need to move quickly to cover the entire zone during the time allowed because the motorists are all double-parked on the other side of the street waiting for the window to expire so they can park again.
People begin moving back 5 minutes before the time officially expires, so at the end of a zone, the sweepers are rushing to finish and sometimes swerving in and out between parked cars. Don't forget the normal traffic which is hectic enough.
The sweepers make a pretty wide detour of parked cars; there's no point in getting close to the car since there's nothing to clean there. Still, with a leash, the dog could have been into the middle of the street. No way a cleaner swerving around the car could have seen it. And no, he probably couldn't see an 18 month old baby crawling around so don't let your baby crawl into the middle of the street. Children are tall enough to be seen, but you probably don't want them in the middle of the street either.
It's actually only a requirement to report hitting a dog to the police within 24 hours. Even then, if the dog didn't die at the scene then plod isn't interested. I discovered this the day a dog ran out of a pub car park, bounced off my car and ran back in. By the time I had managed to get out of my car (busy main road) and checked the car for damage (dog owner can be liable), couldn't see dog, car not visibly damaged, I got in and went home. Called the local copshop that evening, who wanted me, with all my insurance and registration documents, to attend a manned station, but lost interest when I said the dog had run off. So I went in and reported it anyway (minus documents) just so they'd have some paperwork to do. And also in case the owner ever reported an incident.
"(yes animals are like children to some people) "
Well...some people are clearly bonkers then. Animals are not humans.
I for one heartily approve the demise of one ugly poop-spreading rat-dog in-bred and incapable of performing any useful work, and look forward to many more being nailed in the future.
I admit, animals are not like children. In fact, animals are much preferable over children! They - talking about animals now - grow up much quicker, don't mess around that much, you won't have to clean their bums for years, etc. And they don't ruin the better part of your life and in the end put you in a nursing home!
Yes, some people are clearly bonkers: who, with a sound state of mind, would want to have children?
who has neither pets nor children but rather had the former
Not the dog bit I mean.. Just the simple fact that there was a street sweeper, cleaning the streets.. in the Bronx!!! I mean, this is the worst of the worst in the US. (ok, maybe parts of Detroit are worse, and some areas down in the deep south can be argueably worse.,...) But the Bronx have a worldwide reputation for being disgustingly dirty, and rather.. well, gross. And here, in stark contrast to the rest of the city of New York in general, is a machine designed purely to make things CLEAN??! Something is amiss, if you ask me.
Mine's the fur one....