@ nothing to hide / nothing to fear
that's the deeply poetic point, isn't it?
people being kidnapped all over the world and tortured, ahem, sorry "rendered" (makes after effects a very sinister application now - with it's mysterious "render queue") to obtain vital information about the war on terror...
Couldn't we just kidnap and torture *one* of them? I mean, seeing as legally they're not an agency (a distinction that makes the US justice system sound like an eight year old girl - "can too, can too, can too... cos they're not an *agency*) maybe they lost their rights like "enemy combatants" ("can too, can too, can too... cos they're not *soldiers*) and we can just... you know, do what's necessary in a war and all that tired crap.
I mean, if they're not with us, they're against us, right?