hmmmm part 2
ive got to laugh at some of these comments. especially the ones about bricklaying. do you guys realise that a decent brickie earns shit-loads of cash? they can earn well over a grand a week!
and dont flatter yourself that cons are a) stupid and b) dishonest
im an ex con (mentioned in earlier post) and i run an IT department, with a background in design and development too :) i was imprisoned due to a drug offence. therefore i was technically a political prisoner (how many other 'crimes' have no victim??).
you guys also seem to think that data cabling requires all kinds of amazing brain skills. its frikkin laying a cable! oooh its so hard to crimp some ethernet cable and attach it to a switch isnt it... lol
and dont for a second think any of you typical IT types can hack prison for a second. stick to watching star trek and dreaming you are hard because you can kill people at halo :) prison is a dark place. the lack of sex for that period is hard enough... although IT people gerenally dont get much do they :)
@ Dave Ashton - brilliant mate - i didnt realise how many daily mail readers we have :) most people deserve a second chance (apart from murder, sex crimes etc)
rehabilitation is desperately needed in UK jails. ok, so ive been out about 10 years now, but when i was incarcerated there was no rehabilitation. just locked up for 23 hours a day, no leccy, no TVs (thanks daily mail for spreading the bullshit!) few books and nothing to do apart from learn how to rob cars and better ways to burgle etc.
all you will really get from this training is a few low level data cablers, who will most likely work as part of a crew and will prbbaly be doing more labouring
@ "Er excuse my ignorance but isn't it an offence to not declare your record, or is it just your immediate boss who doesn't know?" after 10 years i dont have to say anything. but, to be honest, why would you say anything? you will get ruled out of a job straight away, no matter how good you are... whats the worst they can do? sack me? hehe
@ "Before I went to Uni, I struggled to find any sort of job in the Industry, ended up in Computer retail, which is rubbish. I quickly changed my mind and took up further education. I have worked in completely rubbish jobs part time ] to try and afford it, my debt pile is looking close towards 15grand and I still have another year to go." & "Criminals are criminals. Ex or not. They still did someone to the detriment of society, and it really really pisses me off when they get an easy option (well apart from the buggery in the showers, but we know they all like that really)."
- hmmmm dont blame us all mate that you are too stupid after all this time to get a decent job in IT. its not rocket science is it! as said before mate, whining little runts like you would be crying themselves to sleep nightly in big boys prison, it certainly isnt an easy option. everyone knows IT degrees are a waste of time. also: "They still did someone to the detriment of society," maybe if you could even grasp the basics of the english language you might get a decent job. i never 'did' anyone, and im not alone in that respect.