back to article GLAST sets its sights on gamma-ray bursts

NASA's Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) yesterday lifted off from Cape Canaveral at 16:05 GMT atop a Delta II rocket. GLAST launches from Cape Canaveral. Pic: NASA The 'scope is now in a circular orbit around 560km (350 miles) above Earth, with its solar panels deployed and ready to get on with its task of " …


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  1. Eric Worrall

    Alien Communication?

    One possibility that is being ignored is that high energy gamma rays could be residue from an alien communication system.

    As technology advances, we have moved to using higher and higher frequency radiation to carry our communications.

    Higher frequency systems can carry denser payloads of information, which is why fiberoptic systems, which use laser light, can carry far more information than any radio system.

    Similarly, blu-ray discs are displacing older CD-Roms. Blu-ray discs use blue light, which is higher frequency than the red light used by CD-Roms. The higher frequency allows larger amounts of information to be packed onto the blu-ray discs.

    Researchers are already looking to use ultra-violet for high density media. X-rays will be the next step after ultra-violet.

    Advancing this trend to its logical conclusion, an advanced interstellar alien communication system could conceivably use hard gamma rays, generated and manipulated using technology we have yet to discover, to pack enormous payloads of information into their communications stream.

    That could be the source of the anomalous hard gamma rays detected by observatories.

  2. Wyrmhole

    Re: Alien Communication?

    "That could be the source of the anomalous hard gamma rays detected by observatories."

    Yes, for example, a cylon downloading into a new body.

  3. Doug Lynn

    Hi, HIP, HIP, Hurray!!!

    Hi, glad to see it got off the ground. I have special interest, because I built the ground computer systems for the telescope, really! I've been building for NASA for 8 years, and it was my second largest order for computers!!!

    But I have to remain anonymous, so just believe it!

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