the rent boys dont matter, multi national cash is always welcome to the Govt
By mikePosted Wednesday 11th June 2008 10:17 GMT the spectrum covers much more than mobile phones look at the mess over TV in the UK changing from a system thats works to one that at best is flacky Digital TV and radio is not stable vision and audio break up ofcom have really made a c***e up by forcing people to change for change sake. mines the one with the transmitter in the pocket"
the fact is Mike, its not chance for changes sake, its for making as much money as they can get, and that means that no small or even medium sized UK companys owned by Uk people,run by Uk people, employing Uk people, can ever hope to buy any of this freed up wireless frequences to be put to good use in any consumer inovations such as last mile (not mearly 300 feet, independent of BT/VM telecoms etc) wireless community fixed fee broadband as one single example.
By Anonymous CowardPosted Wednesday 11th June 2008 08:58 GMT I am still very unsure which (if either) is the right way to approach spectrum allocation. Do we even need a GSM style carve up if we can all channel hop as required ? Some informed comment would be handy here kids.
yes you can channel hope for todays kit, but thats not the point if you as an end user want real inovation , to increase your mobile data throughput, they Need to combine these seperate digital freqs into a bigger chunk, they cant do that and get top price for the total alloted.
this is not good for any form of small/medium UK based business to use,i wont say Own because no matter what the current Govt or compays say, these wireless freqs are the property of the the UK people, and we should be getting far more say in what we want them used for....
taking al the analogue Tv freqs and only barely giving them enough back to run the current PAL DVB-T spec is a crime, they need to ensure that theres far more to use in the future for several full UK wide tech trials for HD and other innovations etc they can then rake in for profit on a seperate freqs set aside for the perpose....
we need to have permanant and ongoing Uk wide digital Tv, broadband, and other high tech experaments and for that we need a set of several wireless freqs that any Uk companys can ask to use and run their trials on, simple really...
if we have these freqs set aside instead of selling them off to any US/EU mega companys that have the cash or can raise it off their mates/bankers etc, and the end users have acces to this kit that have these tuners,wireless chips and RJ45 wired ports in all the generic kit sold, we could be far advanced and exporting this tech to other countrys instead of being the rent boys we are becoming in todays US owned companys board of directors.
UK cable beig a case on point, the EU market place is wide open, you can pop online and buy a PC cable card for DVB-C nice and cheap, you cant actully use in in the UK though as the Virgin Media company dont allow you to plug it in and use your payed for subscription card in it to watch your payed for DVB-C Tv on your PC or LAN stream the digital feed over your wireless LAN.
its the same for stand alone 3rd party cable STBs ,its the same for cable modems,
so your open EU free market place and rules dont help you in the slightest when it comes to choice of cable usage, the same will happen for the wireless freq sell off, if you have the cash to buy the airwaves and are a non Uk super company your fine, if your a smal/mediam Uk company or end user your stuck with whatever you can rent off them companies in the futeure if they see fit to supply you with an item...