Its all relative
Perhaps this came from someone in Zimbabwe where $8 is a fortune
We're much obliged to Dave Appleby for sharing with us the following once-in-a-lifetime offer from the Lads from Lagos: Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2008 21:13:57 +0200 From: Subject: Att To: undisclosed-recipients I am peter-wong from Bank hang seng hong kong, I have a late client funds of $8 USD in my bank and …
is the fact that you get the email from one address ( and have to reply to another (
It astounds me that people ever fall for this.
I know my Sister -in-law was contacted by someone on ebay when she was trying to sell a car, they offered to wire the money(well above the amount she wanted) and then send funds to him. luckily she asked me and I told her not to and why, but some people still fall for it, we need an ad campaign to warn of dangers of this sort of thing.
If he is a Zimbabwean dissident of Chinese origin, assuming he had stashed in his account 240,000,000 ZWD pre 2005 (worth 8000 US dollars). In October 2005 the currency was devalued by a factor of 1000, making his stash worth 240,000 ZWD but given the official exchange rate is 1 USD to 30,000 ZWD , real exchange rate of about 1 USD to 600,000, an inflation rate of 1,000,000% ( so 1000 ZWD will be worth 1ZWD in a year), a planned further 3 zero revaulation of the currency (deduction of 3 zeros from all savings) this year, and the central bank survives by printing money to cover costs ( estimates at 170 trillion ZWD a week ). As a result, the poor fellow's bank balance has gone from 240,000,000 ZWD to 240,000 ZWD , to 240 ZWD, and is worth less than the paper the bank statement is printed on. With no way of converting that amount to USD ( 0.0003 today, 0.000000007 tomorrow), $8 seems a decent guess!
Paris Hilton coz only she could be a logical ( and excusable) reason for your bank balance to decrease by a factor of 1000 overnight....
There might be a lot of zeros when expressed as ZIM$ but that doesn't make it a fortune, not even a small one.
On the other hand I'm just waiting for US$ to go the same route. Fortunately the shrub only has seven more months to fsck up this country more than he and Cheney already have. If McCain wins I'm moving to Canada.
AC - "If McCain wins I'm moving to Canada."
And if Obamaramasama wins we will just have to close the borders. No oil for you!
Maybe our spineless sycophants will even legalize non-big-pharma drugs once we break free of the US stranglehold? (yeah right)
AC since I know there are Americans running around with guns.
Sad , must have been a foreign out worker for that already forgotten failed infamous Wall Street Wank , whose shares were worth a mere $0.01 cent in the dollar in real terms as unsecured creditors but were paid a travesty of $10 for each one in real cash , now who be the thieves pirates and 419er's then ?
One could say quite literally all its former stockholders from the chairman down are no better then your average street 419er when push comes to shove !
Definitions are in the eye of the beholder , for we tend to forget the average weekly wage for a Chinese Mainland Farm worker and factory worker after deductions is that princely sum of money mentioned and to many in China that is a small fortune !