Re: Sad to see it die
> Eclipse was a great community efort to start with ..., it was a great IBM effort to start with. Anyway, Eclipse is mostly a consortium anyway.
> The quality off the eclipse code base is piss-poor now, and for a platform with a
> pretty good refactoring toolkit, they obviuosly never use it on their own code
Eclipse does suffer from the fact that they promise to keep the API stable. Anything that was API once will remain so. Anyway, publish your code so I can mock it. What part of Eclipse are you talking about? The SVN plugin?
>Writing plugins is nigh-on impossible, with awful, outdated documentation and
>examples, and the knowledge that your plugin will only work until the next bloated
>release which breaks it.
That statement is just bullshit. Plugins will continue to work unless you use non-API. The documentation of the base platform is very good.
Sadly, IBM seems to have pulled many of the original core developers off to build Jazz.