Excellent Simon as always
Had one of those RPITA in recently, just wish I had dealt as effectively with him. Ah well, theres always next time....
It seems the cunning machinations from last week have come to no avail - someone at the coloured pencil office still wants the PFY to give them a hand installing some macintoshes. "I hate going to see the designers," the PFY whines. "They're a bunch of overfed smelly beatniks who think that buying expensive desktops makes …
I was concerned that Simon was taking a holiday or something, I had to go to the BOFH section to find this story.
Why wasn't it on the front page where it belongs?
Are you trying to censor the BOFH? Well Fu <Slam>
Alien head because they tried to hide the aliens, but we found them too...
Just to start some good ole commentary wars----> This is the BEST BOFH ever!!!! The Mac put downs are the only reason that Billy has achieved sanctity:-) I would like to see some more Linux zealousy in PFY just for fun so I could walk the penguin instead:-) -There needs to be a goods rude synonym about walking the penguin- put PFY on it stat:-)
once again - the best!!!- c'mon beat up on ole Stuey 'ere I'll even stand still for ya:-)
Of a long time ago in another life when I was a contractor testing my company's equipment in a phone exchange which had mains all earthed together but the mains earth didn't go anywhere so was floating. And an item of my test equipment had an earth leak so half a dozen rack mains earths went to 240V. And the joy of remembering the clerk of works jumping 3 feet into the air when he touched my metal trolley with rubber wheels !
Genius, RPITA engineers are a bind nice dispatch, So what's going to happen to the "remains" of the now ex-IT director and the RPITA? Now didn't Simon put in some "live" flooring next to the design team for random fun - "web cam linked" :> oh wait maybe not but that would be fun - a new meaning to the word remote desking..
... for this line -- "I mean who the hell sharpens the blades on a bloody cooling fan!" -- alone (coffeesplatter 1, keyboard 0). The fact that RPITA looks like it should be pronounced "repeata'" (i.e., 'repeater' with whatever accent loses terminal R's) in keeping with the definition is bonus gravy.
"They're quite prepared to lift the cover on something, pull the memory out, hold the memory in their mouth while they bend a couple of heatsinks out of the way looking for a loose wire, shove the memory back in the slot, reseat it with a small amount of pressure, a medium amount of pressure, a large amount of pressure, then realise it's in the wrong way and repeat the pressure install method, shut the cover then realise they've been working on the wrong machine the whole time - and maybe they should have turned the power off first..."
Sounds very familiar - like me on a bad day!
Still, you've got to have a go, haven't you!
Still upset about the Mac dissing. After all, it runs Unix natively, that's got to be good for some brownie points.
Mutter, mumble, grumble. Must get the dither valve re-aligned...