You know whats wrong with western military today?
The lack of dyed in the wool killers and people willing to die for their cause/paycheck. War is easier if troops are willing to die and this pansy crap to get the computer to reduce casualties stuff is bullshit. It's a way of making "civilized", war which is 100% arse-nuggets. War is not civilized, fun, nor safe, and to do it successfully lots of people have to die, on both sides. If you aren't willing to kill, send others to die, and die yourself then you don't belong in the military.
I want my military made of bad ass motherfuckers that look forward to tearing the heads off of the exotic foreigners they meet. I want people to tremble in fear when military people come to port. When the western military shows up they are there to destroy everything in sight. Not make friends, not help the local economy, not change regimes. They are there to kill, destroy, and maybe destroy it again for good measure.
We don't need no stinking computer - just an SA80, $20, a couple smokes, and a pack of condoms, cause my swinging dick is the most dangerous weapon in this bitch. That's what should be stenciled on every helmet.
This is Sparta god damnit!