Brightened up my day, thanks!
That put the smile back on my face! Only wish we had the luxury! ;-)
"Hi, I'd just like some help setting up my Macintosh for access t..." >SLAM< . . . >Ring< "Hello?" the PFY says. "Hi, we must have got cut off, I was ringing for a bit of help setting up my Mac..." >SLAM< . . . >RING< "Is there something wrong with your phone?" the voice asks. "I don't think so," the PFY says. "But …
Of my "line failures" when my dad was scolding me on the phone
Dad: I told you that <SLAM>
Dad: Call went dead. Ok, I was telling <SLAM>
Dad: Hey why are you hanging up?
Me: I'm not. <SLAM>
For helldesk-style support, though, my favorite is the infinite hold method. If your phone doesn't actually have a "hold" button, you can just leave the phone besides you (on mute, of course) and you get the added benefit of no *other* calls getting in! Ah, those old days...
I think having the obscenity filters is a bit mellow .. undoing his past work and all that.
Mine's the Mac <SLAM> Merde! Doesn't it know the difference between coats and computers?
...Because if we all used <SLAM> then we wouldn't need to have so many coc<SLAM> uckers, er, helpdesk staff. They'd be out of a job.
The truth is that Windows is a nasty anachronistic mess. It doesn't work properly and it's a nightmare to code for - I speak as a Windows programmer here, unlike helpdesk staff who spend their weekends wan<SLAM> themselves stupider over XBox and fooling themselves that they have the first clue about computing.
Windows? Not POSIX compliant without supposedly POSIX compatible, but not really, extensions - and therefore not cross-platform. In short, a surprisingly popular dinosaur in a world that should belong to Unix. I couldn't care less which Unix variant - Linux (I'll permit it into the club, although purists say I shouldn't), Solaris, Mac etc. Once you've developed for one, it's quite easy to port to another. If only the same thing could be said for Windows.
My apologies. Rant (and, indeed, flame) over. But please, get a clue - abolish Windows (at least until it has Unix underpinnings), and don't open your mouth to respond until you've engaged your brain and considered whether you have the experience to respond intelligently.
Anonymous because I do have some helldesk friends, and because it wouldn't be a flame if it wasn't.
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What do the BOFH and PFY's users use for desktop machines? Obviously not Macs from this episode but I have not read (maybe missed) anything about their deals with anti-virus companies and programs. There must be so much BOFH-ish fun to be had with such things. They could blame almost anything on viruses, spyware, etc.
Perhaps they are all running Gnome or KDE desktops on Solaris or Linux or something?