New screen protectors
will be required that are resistant to the stubbing out of cigarettes...
I wonder if the Government should make this game Zero VAT rated due if it can be considered a medical aid ?
Playing on a Nintendo DS whilst clutching a cigarette is difficult. So, videogame firm Ubisoft is developing a title to transform you into a two-handed and healthier gamer. Ubisoft’s videogame is based on techniques promoted in books written by anti-smoking guru Allen Carr. In the videogame though, smokers players begin by …
@chris - you clearly have never been a heavy smoker. That 40 a day habit can easily become 60 a day, I used to top that on a night out easily.
Haven't smoked for 18 months mind you. I owe Alan Carr for that!
Don't know why you'd want to buy a game. The book is cheaper. And one might imagine, more effective.
Skull and crossbones, because I used to smoke fags with them on.