I wonder how far back this hole goes. I have an old V3 thats still in use for some stuff knocking around the house.
A bug in Motorola's RAZR firmware could allow a malformed JPG file sent over MMS to overflow the stack, theoretically making it able to execute arbitrary code. The exploit is hypothetical, and would be very hard to abuse, but it's still a serious enough prospect for Motorola to issue a fixed firmware download – even if it's …
How crass can you get?
To be able to download the software fix, your phone must be "in warranty".
But if you put in any old date within the last 12 months, it then allows you to download the software....
Put in an older date and it refuses.....!!
There doesn't appear to be any other "checks" going on, such as serial number or similar...
I guess "someone" at Motorola clearly doesn't want you to update the fix and would prefer you to buy a new phone...
Mine's the one that weighs a ton and looks like a brick.
I bought a V3i when the whole world did.
I followed the flock like a sheep...
I thought it looked good - my first phone with a colour screen and I thought I'd listen to MP3. Then I used it. I still like the clamshell design, but otherwise it's a case of style winning over substance.
Sometimes I suppose you just get what you deserve! ;-)
when you get a new mobile I guess you have to decide how you want to pay for it. Up front in one lump sum, on credit or 'subsidised' by a contract. I don't know which option is the cheapest!
@John Navas: I'm not at all surprised that the "Number One Provider" doesn't support a fix. Dealing with sub-Third World service is one very large reason I'm glad I don't live in the States anymore. (Sub-Third World politics is another, related issue, but we won't go there now) :-P
Paris because she's more competent at what she does than the megacorps are at what they say they do...