Why is it...
...that I detect the not so faint smell of bullshit?
It just seems that there's an excess of things for appearance sake, but some of the practical realities seem just a bit, well, inconsistent?
A bit like that big empty shed in the desert they've built. For some reason I'd believe it more if it was a finished working data centre rather than a relatively cheap shed.
And all those statements from Rob, they just sound a bit off?
But hey, they might be real.
Even though there seems to be a gulf between their attempts to hide their business from the world and their not particularly subtle attempts to promote a particular image to customers.
I guess it's easier to fool small numbers of people than the whole world.
You'd almost think it was some sort of scam to pretend to have some fantastic business, drag in money quietly, then run before it all goes wrong. Maybe the parallels to Enron go beyond just using their building...