a Vistaids is fine too.
Vista is a fine operating system, and Office 2007 a great office package, as long as you bear in mind the caveat that they should both be run on brand new hardware, preferably by someone who has never used either windows and office before.
If I was going to introduce someone to the windows world, who had never used it before, Office 2007 running on Vista would be the way to go. They are far easier to use, have more in-built security, and generally are better for "noobs".
That said, they are VASTLY different from existing deployments, and, frankly, for people who've used windows and office for ages, are irritating as all get out. While we all have pet items in Vista or Office 2K7 that tick us off, and I am sure the haters among us have spent time LOOKING for more...the truth is a lot of it boils down to they moved/removed/change the look of MY BUTTON.
The Vista Question (at least for SMEs,) isn't so much one of "do you upgrade existing machines to it" anymore so much as "do you spend the hours upon hours on the phoen with some yutz in India who is being PAID to make downgrading difficult trying to convince them to let you downgrade your copy of Vista Business to XP Pro." There has to be a business case for either making the jump, or staying the course.
That said, BECAUSE they moved my buttons, (up one level, kthxbai,) I'll migrate to Vista and Office 2007 when they pry XP from my fried, dead motherboard. I'd rather run a 5 year old computer with XP, in an environment I am familiar and happy with, and manage the various Servers and Desktops form there, than re-learn everything I spent a lifetime learning. If' I'm going to make the jump from one way of doing things, (XP, office 2003, and thier predecessors,) then why consider Vista as the only alternative? If I am going to have to re-learn everything, Linux, (which I am at least partly familiar with,) seems a mroe logical choice. Apps that REQUIRE windows, well, that's what VMs are for. It's not the best solution. it has it's holes, it's problems, and certainly there are other, just as acceptible ways of doing it...but right now...that's true of Vista, too.
TL;DR: Microsoft, you dropped the ball on this. Your new interface is fantastic for those who've never touched a comptuer before. I respect and admire the work that has gone into adding features to both vista, and office, and wish many of those features were available on XP. The truth, however, is that they both take way more to run than That Which Came Before...and the highest crime of all...you won't let us apply an interface we are comfortable and familiar with. YOU MOVED MY BUTTON. As punishment, I'm looking at linux.