why in the name of beelzebubb and all his legions would you want to make a piece of apple hardware look like it was running windoze? it'd be like shagging paris hilton but making her wear a john prescott mask!
Sitting at the perfect, if somewhat niche, intersection of Windows Vista and Apple iPhone fandom is this: VistaPerfection 2.0. Independent developer Spec-Works has released VistaPerfection 2.0 to ModifyMyPhone, an iPhone site covering hacked and unlocked devices, that lets you give your iPhone that unmistakable Vista-look-and- …
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The Apple Kool Aid Drinkers have rushed with rapture to use TWO DIFFERENT WAYS to run Windows XP or Vista on their Macs.
Before that there were DOZENS of Hacks to Run Windows on Macs before the PC Clone MacIntels.
Now the MacTards can't wait to make their little Commie Chinese Sweatshop made iPhonies LOOK like Vista!
Next they'll dress their Blow Up Polyethylene Dates in clothes like Steve Balmer.
I've seen vista skins for nearly everything that can be skinned, including just about every compositing X desktop known to man. Why would you want to take that nicer browser / OS / etc and make it look like Vista, which, disregarding it's other issues, doesn't really look stellar.
Then again I'm kind of a fan of that grey/tan Windows 2000 theme...
The analogue clock on the Iphone does not move. it is simply an icon for the main clock application, that has a world clock (with moving analogue clockfaces) and alarm etc. So it doesn't surprise me that the clock icon on this vista theme (this is only a theme) doesn't move its hands either. Interestingly, the calendar icon does change. It always shows the correct date. But the clock icon does not show the correct time, except twice every 24 hours...
Apple started selling fairly average PCs with some modded BIOS code and an Apple badge (kudos to Apple's marketing department though, they've been selling overpriced tat to people with 'designer' clothing and more money than sense for years now) I've been fully expecting the next OS release to be OS-XP. I guess this is just the next logical progression.
Paris, because I bet she'd buy a Mac and think it was a computer too...
So which one of you hacks - yes Register writers, I'm looking at you lot - masquerades as Webster?
No actual person can exist that's as damaged and inconsistent as it is outside a correctional facility (probably of the medical type), ergo, it has to be a fictional creation.
Bet whoever it is gets paid from the marketing budget too..
madra - I feel sick and it's all your fault. you said "it'd be like shagging paris hilton"... so I thought of paris hilton... then you said "john prescot". You heartless swine. <still shuddering>
however, given that this device is the epitome of everything i dislike about the 21st century, i think i can be quite safe in the knowledge the the ViPhone will not be appearing in a pocket near me. Hang on, I'll just check to make sure no-one slipped one in here when I wasn't looking.
"Apple started selling fairly average PCs with some modded BIOS code and an Apple badge"
I hate to break it to you my uninformed chum, but Macs have never used BIOS - man, that is so 1980s.
Macs use EFI, a much better implementation of BIOS. Vista was supposed to have it, in fact I think one of the many flavours of Vista (64bit I think) has some kind of support for it as of SP1, but like most things in the Micro$oft world, the older (and crapper) the better!
Better luck next time AC!
Well I think this is a clever trick....
the day you see someone whip out an MS loaded device that apears to work you will think how? are they rolling thier own? do they have the source code? are they running some alpha for ms? have they built thier own hardware??
All of these questions led you to believe they are a genius.
The fact that its a skins cheat will slip on by...
No they DON'T use BIOS, they use EFI.
Read a little, it really helps you know.
Here, I'll start you off:
"EFI is intended as a significantly improved replacement of the old legacy BIOS firmware interface historically used by all IBM PC compatible personal computers."
So you see, it a REPLACEMENT.
'Tard right back at ya.
I suppose that having spent so much time in IT it was bound to happen, I personally am very much OS agnostic these days and that can be extended to mobile devices and anything else that has an IT angle in it.
So to all the respective 'Tards trolling the site looking for the commencement of an OS war I say this:
Whatever you’re firmly held beliefs about the look and feel of an OS the by far larger proportion of users do not give a toss about the pros and con's they are more interested in the look and feel. Vista as an OS does appear to be a buggy piece of bloat-ware BUT the icons, graphics and animations do look quite nice.
Which is why a company like this has a market and releases something like a Vista skin for the Jesus phone, so save all this bleating about comparing OS's it means sweet F all to 80% of the user base out there and less to the rest of us reading this article...
/pulpit off
Security issues on Vista? Please emphasise?
I know there are security issues on Vista, but come on... Let's not be complete mugs and think that Vista is the only OS with security holes.
They have built in UAC, which should prevent users from making stupid mistakes and the OS IS a lot more secure than previous versions.
So please list these security holes. We can help Microsoft then to patch them.
Man thats awful. It shows how desperate some widows fans are to get ANY credibility for Vista. This would be like buying a seasoning that made T-bone steak look and smell like dog crap.
You too can mar your phone with the look and feel of non functional bloatware!
Not that long ago I found a copy of XP skinned to look like Vista, Right down to the "Aero" interface, "I use it on my Wintendo" funny though, Amazingly, if you want your Aero experience, its easy as long as you don't happen to be Running Vista
Why not just ACTUALLY run DOS or 3,11 on it?
If you have a cracked iPhone, just ssh in and install dosbox (Stop here for those that want DOS on it), then just install 3,11 on top of that, easy! Not very useful unless you have some old Windows/DOS games to add, but loads of laffs!
Coat icon as I'm now fleeing from Windows and Apple fans that finally agree on something, burning me at the stake!.
Dude calm down. I believe that the original AC was just suggesting that the only hardware difference is teh replacement of the legacy BIOS with EFI. They called it a mod just to indicate that it was a really insignificant bit of hardware to change.
The AC was right - Apple is selling the same exact crap as Dell, HP, etc, but with a different bit of code running at boot and a shiny box wrapped around. It's funny that your only problem with that comment was that the AC didn't refer to EFI in a technically correct manner, yet you were angry enough with it to post twice on the subject...
I'm glad people exist who slave away rebuilding perfectly good interfaces on new devices.
It keeps them off the street and out of my hair.
What's next? Getting linux running on my air conditioner remote control?
I've just never seen the point of taking a solution engineered to work with one system and shoehorning another onto it just because you think it could be done. Get a real job.
Dude, chill. Take a deep breath or something.
BIOS stands for Basic Input-Output System, and pretty much every microprocessor-driven device these days uses one. Mobile phones, laptops, desktops, mainframes, yes even Macs, have a BIOS. EFI is simply a layer that sits on top of the BIOS to add or extend functionality. Much like the simple (but clearly not simple enough) diagram in the link you posted, where Firmware is equivalent to the BIOS.
Operating System > Extensible Firmware Interface > Firmware (BIOS) > Hardware
Let's tone it down a little now shall we - always a good move when you're wrong.
The answer to the uneasy gentleman going by name of Anonymous Coward, who does not grok "this whole Kool Aid drinking craze", is quite straightforward.
Some thirty years ago there was a sect--now we can even call them a "dangerous cult"--in Venezuela who, at the word of their leader, poisoned itself away. Completely. Body count was two thousand or some such.
They solved poison into a cauldron of Cool Aid. Now you know what happens with a bunch of thirsty cultists if the RDF around them is strong enough. Other cults drink less Kool Aid, obviously, because they are still around. Some are even growing in volume.
You see that "life does not go better with Coca-Cola" if it is not accompanied by a simultaneous RDF. Indeed, no classic Coke here will my most distinguished, Anonymous help.
What are you talking about?
"Unless it stops them from installing it, it's another example of a MS product that doesn't work as claimed."
If an operating system stops you from installing a product then the OS is useless!
A ridiculous comment.
I'm still waiting for a list of all these security holes that exist in Vista, but no other OS. I know there are security holes that can be opened up, but it makes me laugh when people say that, but they actually have nothing to back it up with.