re: Pah @ it all
"Like some other peeps here, I know where my stuff is. (I'm also one of those freaks who insists on having no desktop icons."
Indeed. Here's my wishlist for a default windows (or other OS) installation (and thusly what gets set up before I can get anything done on a new machine):
*No desktop icons (and definitely no *files* saved to the desktop).
*No thumbnail slideshows of photos.
*No clock animation.
*Startup progs / System tray icons kept to a bare minimum (with no auto-hide - if something's running, I want to know about it).
*A short & fixed list of icons apart from the Progs, Printers & Control Panel folders in the Start Menu: File Browser, Internet App, Email App, Notepad, Calculator, Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Photo App, Media Player App. They satisfy 80% of the usage by 80% of peeps. Remember the ol' 80/20 rule...
*Rage when programs try to install a shortcut icon anywhere other than inside it's own folder in StartMenu>Programs.
*I *must* have the taskbar along the top of the screen. Not a mac thing, just logic. It's where a pulldown menu naturally belongs.
*A File Browser that isn't drowning in 'shortcuts', 'favourites', and 'recently visited' tat. Just let me drill down goddammit. I'm a responsible adult who can grasp the simple file tree arrangement. Because of this, using Windows Search is a last resort, and something I use once in a blue moon. It was never a real issue.
*And when I get to my folder, I want the option of a 'details' view, a 'thumbnail' view, and a 'filmstrip' view. Where is the filmstrip view in Vista, btw?
To be fair, Vista hasn't crashed on me once. Which is nice. But it's a sod for faltering whilst updating it's records of network folders.
But althought it's quite pretty, user friendliness in terms of getting stuff done quickly and simply is, in a very many ways, worse than Win95.
And the Windows startup/shutdown times for a modern computer "in this day and age" are a disgrace.
The eeePC is making all of the above abundantly clear and asking all the right questions as far as I'm concerned.