Why do people advertise BSA
I got fed up with corporate directors presenting me with software audits to fill in and send back to the BSA so I did some investigating, particularly as the various directors went apoplectic on seeing the threatening missive immediately enter the round filing cabinet by the desk without even a first glance.
BSA are a commercial company and have no rights other than those accorded to any commercial company, eg if your competitor send you a letter demanding to know what processes you used in your business you would probably not answer it. This is no different to the BSA, which despite hiding behind such jargon as "chair of the BSA's UK committee" in an attempt to appear to be a public body with merit, is just another commercial entity.
I passed the info on to a journalist who wrote an expose which stopped the BSA in its tracks. The next year they held a much diluted campaign, but it looks like they are again trying their luck. It does help if you know you are legal, but under no circumstances invite this company to help you do an audit, go anywhere else, and if you can't afford the licences utilise open source.
Unless something has changed recently, when it comes down to it, articles like this are just free advertisements for BSA. If I wrote to El REG and said I offered a similar service for the citizens (many descended from real smugglers and pirates) of South Dorset, I doubt if it would get a mention and unlike BSA I am not funded by M$ etc.