Unfortunately , suicide is a very complex issue and cannot be dressed up in either legalese or any other simplistic terms !
As the person involved is under a number unrelated cumulative stress factors and the subtle mood changes or cry for for help prior to the actually event are totally ignored by all around them quite literally and/or temper tantrums are totally ignored and put down to growing pains as in all the dumb ass stupid self help quackery medical books that are so popular with the masses from Dr Spock's fiction book in 1946 to all of today's releases as well ! These stress factors can effectively range from dumb ass parents expectations of seeking additional school performance above the child's limited talent and scholastic performance range for not every child at school is in the top five percent intelligence range or the skinny under fed cheer leader class(like in the total smuck usual crass wrong general average High School Student standard Hollywood "B" grade image film "Bring It On , 2000 "). Or now given the large percentage of childhood obese come from mostly parents over feeding their children on high sugar junk food , parental financial stress contributes as well ! Or they wrap them in so much protective cotton wool that goes to extremes circumstances as shown in one Hollywood Movie which went well over the top ! , called "The Virgin Suicides" 1999. In this sample the girls basic dysfunctional parents were virtually certifiably insane god crazed lunatics and basically unfit to raise any children period , but no one in authority took any notice or really cared either way , even after the tragic end of the girls .
Further , we have massive self image body double standards caused by the mass media in both TV weather girl/news reader total bimbo class with all looks , but of little real talent , to the other extremes in fashion magazines with massive digitally enhanced slimmed down altered skin tones and so forth with equally moronic adds that fail to reflect real life or anorexic skin and bone models in demand to fit the magic size six(may have been the case in the 1896-1901/1929-1937 depression but not any more). When the vast majority of these over fed obese children on high sugar diets from fast food crap fed to them by parents and schools as well (Thank you Coca Cola & Pepsi for your unwanted cheap $ sponsorship needed because of lack of funding from the state which are in turn based on consumption of their artificially coloured and flavoured liquid corn/sugar syrup crap , and they wonder why children are hyper active and suffering from other related diseases from overdosing on over prescribed barbiturates ) are in reality with expanded frames size 14 plus !
Yes , basically all crass women's top fashion magazines or the very large majority of the non super model class of catwalk slaves to an unreal surreal world , where in the name alleged beauty of thinness some very nasty criminal acts are performed on some of the the participants routinely behind the scenes out of sight from the public view or routinely talked about , but the fashion magazines reporters are forced by editorial/proprietor considerations of money first and foremost , to ignore these basic facts and/or reflect real life proportions within the standard bell curves of the general population at large !
This turkey of a prosecutor and "Peter Principle adherent" should be sacked immediately now , as basically "it" is going well above and beyond the job description of the office for as in real life as it will create a new criminal element where none existed before ! Question becomes thus , the greater the number of criminals real or unreal , they jail , the greater their pretensions and creating the false lie of protecting that which is not real (whilst say for example say in America some 45,000 are mown down in car incidents with one quarter coming from 8% of the roll overs of the vast numbers of unstable tank size Chairman Ronnie inspired big fat and mostly ugly overweight fallovers fitted without both anti-lock/stable zone control brake system(put off till 2011 or another 60,000 killed , but who cares not the US Car Companies it seems !) as fitted as standard on all Mercedes Benz's from 1999 on , but surprisingly somewhere 100,000 and 150,000 routinely die in hospitals at the hands of their incompetent medical doctors , so guess who the next class of felons incarcerated in the criminal system becomes thus thanks to this case , or the jail prisoners will get better medical treatment or perhaps not really, as they are just more quacks in jail then real prisoners !)
Sadly , those with stars in their eyes and cotton wool in their ears style parents without even a modicum of common sense brought up on a steady diet of quackery useless medical tomes sold to the public since 1946 can never see beyond their own nose or hear outside their concrete encased single brain cell at the best of times !
Choices , no one wins and every one loses in this case especially doctors who over prescribe by the numbers and don't listen to anything their patients say and teachers /uni lecturers inclusive too , that little bit more of the freedom we expect Democracy to deliver is lost in the noise ! Sadly, yet in today's era of almost instant communication , the world we know appears to be regressing rapidly towards an over the top CHEKA/NKVD/KGB/GRU style police state known in the Russian history books as the "Stalin Era" and of course our ever faithful lack of guts 419er politicians will obey the prosecutors whip in any direction he or she chooses , rather then say "hang on a minute you are incompetent and now exceed your job description by a large margin indeed and cut his/her budget to shreds instead forcing them to toe the reasonable line !
If this comes to pass , we are all like a dead bird with our throats slashed at the slightest imagined transgression , and effectively one will have to erect a country size Razor Wire Fence replete with heavily armed security guards at all entrances and exits like the USSR of old Stalin times , which didn't work even back then !