Flying Bullshite Alert, don your helmets!
The CRS contractor has one fundamental concept entirely wrong.
The reason that millennium takes so long to fit the NHS model is that it is an american system, developed for single sites (Cerner words here, not mine), private healthcare and with ZERO government targets. The terminology is all wrong - even the bloody paper is a different size so standard reports information do not fit.
they can't even spell -appointments 'canceled' has Two (2) L's
'we have NHS numbers, not SS numbers. We have no need of super bill or charging accounts (all present). We have Physcicans, not 'Attending'.
We have clinics, not Ambulatory units' and wards are bloody wards not nurse units. Episodes of care are not encounters and thats just the face side of the win 95 based software with 8 character filenames.
It also has never heard of waiting lists and does not the fit the primary/secondary healthcare referral model.
We are supposed to be on Release 1 by now -they can't even get R0 to function correctly yet.
Staff are trying to use an overly complex - bodged- system against a ticking Government performance clock, with irate patients shouting at them.
To give you some facts from the coalface.
To create an outpatient appointment used to take an average of 2 -4 minutes using a 25 year old Unix based PAS.
To make one now using Choose and Book, non-direct booking and Cerner Millennium takes about 15 minutes -(10 if the operator is a hot shot very rare)
So thats 4 to 6 appointments a Hour.
How many operatives - Hundreds?
No this isn't an insurance company, although the rate of callers is comparable.
The average staff on phones is usually 2-4
and thats an average DCH (district general hospital)
Thats an O/P centre that normally takes about 200-300 calls a day -you do the math
The staff are paid minimum wage and are simply going sick or leaving to work at Tesco's - "Less interesting; but no abuse," as one long time staff very experienced member collected her coat and left the NHS.
On the whole -it would help if the political bullshite stopped and the real insiders told their story
So much for Freedom of Information