Verizon and open, that's funny.
For a cell provider that locks out features that companies like Motorola provide out of the box for free, "open" is not a phrase I'd expect from Verizon.
Sometime next year, Verizon will roll out a Linux OS as the "preferred operating system" for phones on its US wireless network. And that Linux OS is not Google Android. But the big-name telco says it has no objections to selling Android phones as well. "This is not an either/or proposition," company spokesman Jeffrey Nelson …
But Verizon has a point.
I've worked on the Nokia N800, which uses their rework of Debian, and for being "open", Nokia does a hell of a lot of "the next version will do what WE want it to do" and I can't see Google being too different, to tell the truth.
For instance, the new N810 version has a really crap UI, and Nokia won't release the window manager code necessary to write a different UI. That's ok, when my N800 dies, I'll get an ASUS Eee PC.
I have not looked at the Limo project, but I guess that Verizon like them more because they get the freedom to neuter the phone.
I have seen lots about Verizon opening up their network, but in my mind, that does not mean they open their handsets and stop switching everything off. I'm half sure that if Verizon "branded" an Android phone in their usual manner then Google would object. If Limo doesn't care then they would be the perfect choice for Verizon.
For the longest time Verizon has been a tight-wad. However, in the past year something changed at Verizon. (Probably at the behest of the iPhone and Google.)
I am not sure who in the top is promoting the change. But they've enacted a lot of measures I've long wanted.
a) no more 2 yr extensions on contract changes, I added unlimited data for a month while attending a conference and took it off. No issues.
b) opening up their network to more devices.
Are probably two of the more significant, but there were lots of smaller changes as well. Like allowing family share across area codes.
The result, I think Verizon realized that the game has changed. And while Cingular has the top phone at the moment. And it's bleeding away from all it's rivals. Verizon is now thinking on a longer term - foresight.
There's the old saying, if you can't beat them - join them. Well, I think that's what Verizon is doing (though with a slight variation). As they're not necessarily joining their rivals but adopting methods from them that are advantageous.
That is a complete fallacy, most of the code that runs the N800, N810 and N810-WE soon to be released is open source, it can be found in public repositories and modified, and installed on the devices quite easily. For instance, the window manager which you mention, "matchbox" is available from both opened hand and Nokia.
Nokia have gone to a great deal of effort to foster an open community around the internet tablet line so please do not insult them with completely flawed reasoning.