And what happens if you have bandwidth caps? Does these adds use it up as well?
Will those that don't opt out get a reduction in price to their Internet?
What about privacy concerns?
And also I would like to know where ISPs got this idea that they are entitled to 10000% return on investment?
You don't see phone companies listening in to your calls to target telemarketing calls to you. Why should this be any different?
Funny thing is back in the days of dial-up nobody could pull stunts like these because people could quickly switch to a competitor.
When it comes to high speed, providers essentially have quasi monopolies (often times you only have 2 choices: cable or DSL). Even when you sing up with a ma and pa internet provider, they are just essentially reselling their service. It kinda reminds me of the good old days of 1 telephone companies. But at least back then they where heavily regulated by the government to prevent them from abusing their monopolies. I don't understand why they have not done the same with ISP that are essentially in the same position again.
This civilization is quickly going to shit....