and I thought we were gonna see some decent two jedi on one sith action.
Mines the one with the death sticks in the pocket...
A Welsh man, Arwel Wynn Hughes, from Holyhead has avoided jail for attacking two would-be Jedis with a crutch while disguised as Darth Vader. Hughes, whose attack was captured on video, was sentenced to two months in prison suspended for 12 months. Two keen Welsh Jedis were filming themselves having a pretend light sabre …
having watched the beeb video, and watching the miscreant in question I seriously doubt he had drunk most of a 10 litre box of wine, and run around and then run off over the wall.
I smell legal shinnanigans to get the taffy out of clink.
After all if I had drunk nearly 20 pints of wine (using 1 pint = 0,5 litres as a rough ballpark) I would either be: comatose, very very sick and unable to walk or talk, or hospitalised sucking back on a big hose whilst the pumped my stomach.
and why did not the Jedi's force push him away into a bin?
bah hokey religeons are no match for a good blaster at your side
mines the one with the YT1300 keys in the pocket and covered in wookie hair thanks
ie, none.
Somebody went to the police, for that? Seriously? AND they pressed charges?
FFS, what is this world coming to? Sad enough to be in a Jedi church though, so this shouldn't be surprising. I would imagine their mums insisted that the big bully be brought to justice.
And yes, 'most of a 10 litre box of wine'? My arse!
'Ow! That kind of hurt'
'That's really quite painful'
or something? After that silly display, they were sort of asking for it, really. Certainly no need to call the old bill, especially as he capered off saying he was only joking.
They should have been told to bugger off and stop wasting people's and time.
My local Off-licenses and supermarkers only sell the bog-standard 6 litre boxes of wine. Holyhead is starting to sound like a fun place for a holiday. Light-sabre wielding nutters, drunks dressed in bin bags impersonating Darth Vader, super-sized alcoholic beverages.
Beats the hell out of Disney Land!
Icon? Disney Land isn't the only way to have a fun ride in Paris!
I must be getting old(er), it used to be "He repeatedly attacked the toe of my boot with his crutch" and you'd be nicked. Now it appears that the forces of good were overcome by the dark side and the man in black gets away with it
Sod light sabers - I'm off to the local hospital to get armed to the teeth. I wonder how many Jedi I can take down with one zimmer frame?
So, what are you saying? That I could run up to you whilst you are enjoying your garden with your friends (regardless of what you happen to be doing at the time), smack you round the head with a fairly long, reasonably weighty pole, and as long as I shout "Only joking!" over my shoulder as I run away, its all fine is it?
I must admit, I think its pretty sad that people think this is an acceptable way to behave (and I'm not talking about the wannabe Jedis). Someone gets assulted on their own properly and they're branded as whingers for going to the Police!
Then brand me a bloody whinger because if someone attacks me in my garden (or anywhere else for that matter) and escapes without a good kicking, then I'd be going to the Police as well.
And anyone who thinks this IS an acceptable way to behave, can I have your address? It seems like you'd be the perfect candidate for me to beat up when I feel stressed, since I'm guessing you wouldn't go whinging to the Police, would you?
Enough people said they were Jedi in the last census so come on! He's a hater and needs to be realigned!
Just please, nobody draw a picture of Darth Vader with a Lightsabre in his helmet because the Siths might take offence and burn Rebel Alliance flags in the street.
Firstly, nowhere does it say how long it took him to drink these 10 litres, it could have been over the previous 2 weeks...
Also, from the Beeb story:
<quote> The court was told he had a "chronic alcohol problem" and had drunk the best part of a 10-litre box of wine. </quote>
If he bought the wine from somewher like Aldi or Lidl, then the "best part" may have been the box itself and not the wine.
It says "had drunk the best part of a 10-litre box of wine"—which might be any amount over 5 litres. Which is still a freakin' lot. I guess if you tend to buy your wine in a box, specifically a box of that size, you might have already developed a certain... stamina. Anyway, when this story was first reported, I had imagined the action to be more dramatic.
...and it's - terrifyingly enough for those of us who are soberer - quite possible for people to function on that kind of daily intake.
Weighty chef Clarissa Dickson-Wright held down a cooking job on 2 litres of gin a day for five years before she quit drinking (and now has chronic quinine poisoing from the tonic...)
While the amount of wine consumed is quite impressive, it is not totally outlandish - especially if he had been drinking for many, many hours. We have an annual "box of wine" party where everyone brings a 5L box of wine and exchanges it with someone else, then we drink wine from the box until they are all empty, it's easier than you think with a little practice.
You measure your alcoholic consumption in teaspoons? What the hell are you drinking?! Methanol?!
Also, that "duel" was so clearly staged. The whole thing's probably a way of showing off their "skills" with a lightsabre. A proper swordsman- or even a sport-fencer- would have them for breakfast.
Mine's the one with the Italian style hand-and-a-half longsword next to it.
It was an alli crutch, no real weight to it and he wasn't hit hard. It wasn't a kicking or anything. Get a grip. If one of them had been walloped hard and actually injured, then yes, different story.
If people act a twat in full public view, regardless whether on their own property or not, then they have to accept that they are going to attract proper nutters. That's how things are.
Now as far as assault is concerned, they didn't get assaulted, in my books. It was boyish high spirits, nothing else. If you think that's assault, try walking into my local. You'll claim 'assault' three times before you reach the bar.
I don't have a coat with me, but I presume your's is the 100% cotton wool puffy-style jacket?
>> 22 pints? of wine?
Even in the US, 10 litres/liters isn't 22 pints (only about 21). As others have pointed out, in UK pints it is much fewer - but equally improbably, even if it was fairly weak 8% stuff, that's 80 units (or 32 cans of Stella, or 2.8 bottles of spirits) - if it were a more likely 12% thats 48 cans of Stella or 4.2 bottles of spirits. He may have drunk the whole box, but not in the same day.
Your math is flawed due to the following:
Fact 1: He's welsh.
Fact 2: 10 litres of wine may have been finished, but the defendant, but it is impossible to say how much was..
a) urinated away
b) vomited away
c) spilt when pouring
Fact 3: He admits an alcohol problem. For someone Welsh to admit this their tolerance has probably been built up to some degree. I have know people (Scotland) who can happily drink 5 litres of whisky over the course of a day and still jump walls & hit people with crutches. (My gran for one).
The article doesn't state, was it red or white wine (this makes all the difference to the hangover he would have had)?
1.2l of alcohol (ethanol), consider a maximum absorption rate of around 0.15l of alcohol per hour, and the size of his stomach it is possible to drink 10l of wine.
It would just take about 8 hours to do so, and because of the water/alcohol ratio in the wine, over the course of those 8 hours he would probably loose around 60% of his body's water content through urination. Giving him one hell of a headache, stomach ache, general feeling of being quite dehydrated and lacking essential minerals... You know a hangover.
Without replenishing the water without any alcohol in it and giving it at least 20 minutes to absorb, he'd probably be passed out crying for his mother after 10l of wine in 8 hours.
Well, if we factor in the time taken to replenish the water, approximately on 20 minute water break for every 40 of drinking that increases the amount of time to around 12 hours of solid fluid intake, and a total probable volume of 15-20l including the water.
This is why I prefer scotch... Less water to alcohol, ergo you don't go to the toilet as often and get quite pissed quite quickly.
I thought I'd watched the wrong video clip. I wouldn't have reported that because my friends would have given me a hard time about it (and rightly so). How bad of shape do you have to be in to get an injury from that. It's not like the guy was swinging it. They don't teach people to avoid danger anymore? Can these guys cross a street without adult supervision?
I'm wondering if the judge bothered to watch it. Maybe some community service to the lame vader wannabe for causing the 'ruckus' and community service to the mulitple people involved for wasting the courts time, but not jail time. Make the stupid people work it off, not have the tax payer support their sorry butt in a jail cell.
>"If people act a twat in full public view, regardless whether on their own property or not, then they have to accept that they are going to attract proper nutters. That's how things are."
No, don't be a hypocrite, you aren't just claiming that that's "how things are", you're claiming that that's how things are *AND* that it's alright and perfectly reasonable.
You have no right to put your hands on another person if they don't want you to. None at all, because human beings are not toys placed on this earth for your personal sadistic amusement. A penis is even lighter and less weight to it than an alu crutch, but if you think you can go around slapping people with it you're a pervert rapist. No means no, whatever parts of the body are involved.
As to your shithole local, you're just a coward who won't stand up for yourself when people push you around and take the piss out of you in the pub, there's nothing unusual about that but try not to expect everyone else to be as wussy as you. If anyone tries to lay their hands on me when I'm in a pub they get them removed from me pretty fucking sharpish, and I don't accept "ohh sorry I'm a drunk twat it was just a joke" for an answer. I bet you get your pocket picked a lot, you muppet.
If they thought it was serious, belt the bugger! Are you seriously telling me you watched that video and thought that was worth court time? Because if you do, you epitomise the abdication of self-reliance to the state that's the reason this country is in such a mess. "Ow, that kind of hurt" doesn't warrant police and court time.
/Mine's the one with manly shoulders.
"I have know people (Scotland) who can happily drink 5 litres of whisky over the course of a day and still jump walls & hit people with crutches. (My gran for one)."
Fuck off, this is getting silly now. Nobody can drink 5 litres of whisky in a day. I don't know what's wrong with your gran but whatever it is, she can't count.
To all those Jedi wannabes……
It's a frickin movie; it's FICTION, not real, a figment of George Lucas' imagination, pure lies!!
Anyone who actually calls themselves or thinks of themselves as a 'Jedi' has really missed the whole concept of Maturity and Real Life.
Sure we can all enjoy movies for their entertainment value, but to start a frickin church based on a bunch of movies is ludicrous, naive and plain stupid (quick thought, does that make George Lucas their god?)
If you are immature and stupid enough to play light sabre fights in your front garden with passing traffic and members of the public, of course you're going to attract attention. In this instance it was a drunken bloke who thought 'cool I wanna play too' but the pansy 'Jedi' (using the term very loosely) retreat to the safety of the house and start crying ow that hurt! Jesus if some drunken twat come onto my lawn when I was out there (btw I wouldn’t be having a light sabre fight) and tried to start on me he'd get a smack in the face and a big F'ck off. Learn to stick up for yourselves.
It really bugs me that spineless wimps think just because they have had their fun time spoilt they can twist it into a crime. When I was a kid my mates and I used to fight and wrestle all the time without one of us crying home to mummy and getting this taken all the way to a court
Drunkard involvement or not, if these little boys want to get through the rest of their lives they need to grow up, gain a pair of family jewels and use them once in a while instead of being the complete pansy assed babies brought up in a bubble wrapped cotton wool sue the world and his wife culture mutants that they have so obviously become
If I was that judge I would have fined the pansy boys for wasting my time and commited them for having no grasp on reality
Ok rant over, time to go back to my padded room
The white one with the straps please
[Scene: Death Star, interior. Rebel fighetrs run for the Millenium Falcon, pursed by Imperial Troopers and Darth Vader. Suddenyl, Obi Wan Kenobi emerges from the shadows]
VADER: Obi Wan Kenobi - we meet again. You're.. you're my besht friend you are. I love you. I do . I love you. It's you'n'me, pal, against the Empire. You'n'me. We'll show 'em, eh? Jussht like old ti- old times.
I think that might have been a better film...
Fair enough I don't think this was serious enough to have involved the police but the Beeb says "The court heard that Hughes had previous convictions, including affray, assault and disorderly behaviour." Therefore acting like an ass, such as he was, should not have went unpunished.
When he first jumped the wall and swung the crutch, he could have taken that fellas head clean off; if it had made contact.
Ok, i have heard of Lame and now i can say i have officially seen it.
A: How the hell does this become newsworthy
B:If your in a "Jedi Church" and "Practicing your lightsaber skills" and the force brings you a drunken version of Drool Vader. And the drunk beats you?
C: Lets be real, if the whole "DUEL"had not been so rehearsed any of those blows would have hurt a hell of a lot more than the crutch, your swinging sticks at each other at high speed you get hit and you go CRY TO THE COURTS?? Read end of the B: statement, YOU SUCK AS A JEDI!
D: If your fighting in public and using non-padded weapons your going to get hit at some point and its probably not going to feel good, looked like PVC pipe to me and that shit hurts, Metal crutch probably hurts more but i didn't see him seriously scwack him with it. If you get hit and your response is "Ow, that kind of hurt" you take the idiot to court?
LAMERZ!! --> Read end of the B: statement, YOU SUCK AS A JEDI!
Is it right to hit people, no never, unless the other person is accepted the fact and is willing to accept it, like perhaps if your DUELLING IN PUBLIC? If the other guy has stopped asked if he could try it and the outcome had been the same, do you think it should end up in court?
We practice with padded sticks and you do get hit and you are not going to respond "Ow, that kind of hurt" its gonna hurt bloody good! And no i do not play a jedi in real life or on TV. We are practicing Arnis or Philipino Stick FIghting.
Big different here is he had jumped into our group he would have gotten his ass schooled.
And my jacket? its the white one that ties in the back.. ;-)
Darth pisshead's a muppet; given that he had previous convictions and could've brained someone with that first swing, he deserved to be reported.
Having said that, the "Jedi" were fairly whiny about the whole affair......I've seen worse violence in the schoolyard when I was 10. If that'd happened round where I grew up, Darth muppet would've gotten that crutch wrapped around his scrawny neck.
...AND he was pissed up to the eyballs, FFS!! How easy does it need to be?!
Paris, 'cos she knows how to handle a stick, unlike these so-called Jedi.
light sabre duels all for that moment that they can rise to the occasion and use their sabre rattling skills to deadly effect. Then a lunatic drunk comes charging at them with a vaguely sabre shaped weapon and starts and unprovoked attack. The deadly response that we see is a petulant mumble of "actually that really hurt". It's just not very jedi is it.
Paris, because she can handle a man with a large weapon.