back to article Business suit tailored to reflect phone radiation

If you’re worried that mobile phone and Bluetooth signals could be doing you harm, then you can now block them out and still remain a dedicated follower of fashion. Clothing company Remus has cut a gents' suit with an interwoven metal frame that’s claimed to reflect Bluetooth and mobile phone radiation, despite the jury still …


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  2. Pete mcQuail
    Thumb Up

    This should be fun

    when used in the new microwave security scanners.....

  3. Richard


    One wonders if it would protect the wearer from lightning also.

    I propose an experiment and suggest that the kind of person who'll buy this suit would make a perfect ginnie pig. If the test results in their death, at least we'll be minus one moron.

  4. Michael Driscoll

    Someone explain

    How this thing can block 'any potential radiation' *without* affecting the signal to your phone?

  5. Ash
    Thumb Up


    Lightning? I'm pretty sure it would be better to have the suit earthed than reflective in that situation. However, it'd probably be pretty handy where the US have their Active Denial System deployed...

    All they need to do now is mix up this suit with an "Energy Weapon Protection Device" ( ) and America will be forced to actually kill those pesky Students and Peaceniks, not electrocute them into coma.

  6. Greg

    Hold up, I've spotted a flaw...

    Weren't all those panic-mongers crying havoc because holding a mobile to your ear was hurting your brain?

    Does this cover your head?

    Buggered then, aren't ya?

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Don't tase me bro!

    Wtf is someone tasers the wearer?

  8. Steve
    Thumb Up

    faraday cages aren't reflective

    First of all, faraday cages aren't reflective (and they are also effective only at certain wavelengths depending on the grid spacing). Any incoming EM on the right frequency will induce small currents in the faraday cage and so not penetrate it.

    Unless it has an unshielded external pocket then your phone will not work when inside your suit (or they are lying and it has no effect at all on microwave transmissions).

    As protection from lighting it's likely to make things worse not better, the entire wire bit will melt and probably set your suit on fire, plus it might increase your likelihood of being hit in the first place, especially if your trouser hems drag on the ground.

  9. SImon Hobson Bronze badge

    Hmm, the bandwagon went that way ...

    Re: Hmmmmmm...

    Well if you put the phone inside then it will turn up it's transmit power to try and get a signal to the network. So much more radiation - at least until the battery goes flat in a fraction of the time it normally lasts.

    Re: Someone explain

    It's simple, you just have to remember to use the marketing department physical model of reality and it all works nicely.

    But no-one spotted the even better use for this - it would be interesting to see what it did to the tazer current. In theory, the current would just short along the wires and the wearer would be largely unaffected. Of course, it depends on closely the wires are woven.

  10. John Latham

    Is it Taser-proof?

    Surely the chances of getting Tasered are far higher than the negligible risks of mobe radiation?

    A small trailing earthing accessory ought to do the job.

  11. Anonymous Coward

    @Michael Driscoll

    By making sure the outer edges of all the pockets are unshielded, while the inner edges *are* shielded, so you have:

    Self > shielding > phone > outer edge of pocket > outside world

  12. Anonymous Coward

    Taser the wackjobs

    Forget about the Bluetooth and Wifi worrying wackjobs, would the woven metallic material protect your from a tasering, for accidentally looking sideways at the UKs newly equipped and trigger happy police force?

  13. Anonymous Coward

    I am...


    A really lame super-hero with super-awesome suit!

    <- I can be contacted with my secret suit-signal.

  14. It'sa Mea... Mario


    Glad I'm not the only one to wonder!

  15. Tim Greenwood
    Black Helicopters

    It's a cover

    Of course it's not really to protect against radiation from mobiles. As many people have already spotted, it's actually for Taser protection and I am checking the ordering details now

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Taserproof material

    My understanding is that Thorshield (search for it) is simply a highly conductive wearable fabric which conducts the current between the poles of the taser through itself instead of through your body. If that is right then this should also work as long as the metal mesh is fine enough.

    Anyone want to test?

  17. pctechxp

    I hear

    Powerwatch are putting in a large order and will add £200 to the price.

    Ah well, a fool and his/her money are soon parted.

    I'm on the side of the taser happy cops by the way, I wish they'd use them more on our wayward yoof.

  18. Anonymous Coward

    Hmmm, walking antenna?

    Hmmm, I wonder if it'd be possible to attach the mobile's antenna to the suit, and thereby improve the range of the mobile signal?

    i.e. a man's-suit-sized antenna?

    Surely that would be better? :)

  19. Anonymous John

    This could be a problem for pensioners wired up to the net

    How will the doctor know if you're dead or merely wearing an E-Blocker suit?

  20. Chris G

    Very interesting!

    The number of comments pertaining to these suits being Taser proof leads one to suspect that many of the readers here are yobboes, yahoos and lager louts. Never mind tasering even flogging is too good for you! Hrrmm hrrmm

  21. Adrian Esdaile
    Black Helicopters

    Now try to use an airport

    Airport security is bad enough, but this would be hilarious - "Would sir kindly remove your trousers? They are setting off the metal detector."

    Come to think of it, the average tin-foil-hat wearer won't go within 25kms on an airport due to the microwave mind-control rays they use.

    Come to think of it even more; what the hell is the average tin-foil-hat wearer doing in a suit?

    thukkathukkathukkathukka - the black helicopters are coming!

  22. James Henstridge

    @John Latham

    You want to walk around in clothing that has wires hanging out of it? A taser would be the least of your worries -- make sure you stay away from tube stations.

  23. John


    I wonder if it's the same material as you get in the ESD prevention jackets we have at work. If they would be allowed on our shop floor it would make the place look a lot smarter.

  24. Wayland Sothcott

    Don't zap me mate

    Zap proof suit. With further development it could be Iron Mans aparral. Could it stop that microwave heat gun? Clearly they need to see if it stops Tazers as that's what everyone here is wondering.

  25. Anonymous Coward

    Surely a Taser Suit by another name...

    do tase me bro!

    So how long before some rentacop slugs a mouthy student because his taser was ineffective? Revert to backup sidearm...

    So the next version of the tasers barbs will be insulated exept for the tip (the bit that penetrates)

  26. Anonymous Coward

    @This should be fun

    Thats got me wondering if anyone has ever tried to board a plane in a suit of chainmail / armour.. if you dont want to pay excess bagage it might be the only way!

  27. Glyn

    Manny Cohen turns in his grave...

    Never mind the quality, feel the width...

    Kirchoff says: If the phone powers up enough the suit will combust... a bit like wire wool in a microwave oven...

    Cheers Gustav!

  28. Louis Cowan


    Just as someone earlier mentioned that this won't help when you have your mobile phone at your ear, I'm sure this suit won't be much use should the cops taser you in the face...

  29. Edward Pearson

    Added Extra's

    Our deluxe package comes complete with tinfoil hat and 6m^2 of the softest cotton wool to wrap the kids in. SAFTY GAURENTEED.

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